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Miocene to present oceanographic variability in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic ice sheets dynamics: Insight from revised seismic-stratigraphy following IODP Expedition 382 [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 553
Pérez L.F.;  Martos Y.M.;  García M.;  Weber M.E.;  Raymo M.E.;  Williams T.;  Bohoyo F.;  Armbrecht L.;  Bailey I.;  Brachfeld S.;  Glüder A.;  Guitard M.;  Gutjahr M.;  Hemming S.;  Hernández-Almeida I.;  Hoem F.S.;  Kato Y.;  O'Connell S.;  Peck V.L.;  Reilly B.;  Ronge T.A.;  Tauxe L.;  Warnock J.;  Zheng X.;  the IODP Expedition 382 Scientists
The role of cross-border electricity trade in transition to a low-carbon economy in the Northeastern U.S [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 154
Yuan M.;  Tapia-Ahumada K.;  Reilly J.
An early warning system for wave-driven coastal flooding at Imperial Beach, CA [期刊论文]
Natural Hazards, 2021-01-01, 108 (3
Merrifield M.A.;  Johnson M.;  Guza R.T.;  Fiedler J.W.;  Young A.P.;  Henderson C.S.;  Lange A.M.Z.;  O’Reilly W.C.;  Ludka B.C.;  Okihiro M.;  Gallien T.;  Pappas K.;  Engeman L.;  Behrens J.;  Terrill E.
Author Correction: Reply to: Validity of managing peatlands with fire (Nature Geoscience, (2019), 12, 11, (886-888), 10.1038/s41561-019-0478-4) [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (1
Marrs R.H.;  Marsland E.-L.;  Lingard R.;  Appleby P.G.;  Piliposyan G.T.;  Rose R.J.;  O’Reilly J.;  Milligan G.;  Allen K.A.;  Alday J.G.;  Santana V.;  Lee H.;  Halsall K.;  Chiverrell R.C.
Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation (PSV) near 80° N, Northwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard: Implications for evaluating High Arctic sediment chronologies [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019-01-01, 210
Ólafsdóttir S.;  Reilly B.T.;  Bakke J.;  Stoner J.S.;  Gjerde M.;  van der Bilt W.G.M.
Erratum to: Experimental evidence for sustained carbon sequestration in fire-managed, peat moorlands (Nature Geoscience, (2019), 12, 2, (108-112), 10.1038/s41561-018-0266-6) [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2019-01-01, 12 (2
Marrs R.H.;  Marsland E.-L.;  Lingard R.;  Appleby P.G.;  Piliposyan G.T.;  Rose R.J.;  O’Reilly J.;  Milligan G.;  Allen K.A.;  Alday J.G.;  Santana V.;  Lee H.;  Halsall K.;  Chiverrell R.C.
Experimental evidence for sustained carbon sequestration in fire-managed, peat moorlands [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2019-01-01, 12 (2
Marrs R.H.;  Marsland E.-L.;  Lingard R.;  Appleby P.G.;  Piliposyan G.T.;  Rose R.J.;  O’Reilly J.;  Milligan G.;  Allen K.A.;  Alday J.G.;  Santana V.;  Lee H.;  Halsall K.;  Chiverrell R.C.
Climate Change and Health: Educational Modules for Physicians and Multipliers [期刊论文]
GESUNDHEITSWESEN, 2019-01-01, 81 (3
Schoierer, J.;  Boese-O';  Reilly, S.;  Mertes, H.
Heat Action Plan on Local Climate Change Adaptation (AlpAKA) [期刊论文]
GESUNDHEITSWESEN, 2019-01-01, 81 (3
Schoierer, J.;  Boese-O';  Reilly, S.;  Mertes, H.;  Herr, C.;  Heinze, S.;  Kutzora, S.
Widespread loss of lake ice around the Northern Hemisphere in a warming world [期刊论文]
NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2019-01-01, 9 (3) : 227-+
Sharma, Sapna;  Blagrave, Kevin;  Magnuson, John J.;  O';  Reilly, Catherine M.;  Oliver, Samantha;  Batt, Ryan D.;  Magee, Madeline R.;  Straile, Dietmar;  Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A.;  Winslow, Luke;  Woolway, R. Iestyn

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