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Developing a list of invasive alien species likely to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems in the European Union [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (3
Roy H.E.;  Bacher S.;  Essl F.;  Adriaens T.;  Aldridge D.C.;  Bishop J.D.D.;  Blackburn T.M.;  Branquart E.;  Brodie J.;  Carboneras C.;  Cottier-Cook E.J.;  Copp G.H.;  Dean H.J.;  Eilenberg J.;  Gallardo B.;  Garcia M.;  García-Berthou E.;  Genovesi P.;  Hulme P.E.;  Kenis M.;  Kerckhof F.;  Kettunen M.;  Minchin D.;  Nentwig W.;  Nieto A.;  Pergl J.;  Pescott O.L.;  M. Peyton J.;  Preda C.;  Roques A.;  Rorke S.L.;  Scalera R.;  Schindler S.;  Schönrogge K.;  Sewell J.;  Solarz W.;  Stewart A.J.A.;  Tricarico E.;  Vanderhoeven S.;  van der Velde G.;  Vilà M.;  Wood C.A.;  Zenetos A.;  Rabitsch W.
Prairie plant phenology driven more by temperature than moisture in climate manipulations across a latitudinal gradient in the Pacific Northwest, USA [期刊论文]
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2019-01-01, 9 (6) : 3637-3650
Reed, Paul B.;  Pfeifer-Meister, Laurel E.;  Roy, Bitty A.;  Johnson, Bart R.;  Bailes, Graham T.;  Nelson, Aaron A.;  Boulay, Margaret C.;  Hamman, Sarah T.;  Bridgham, Scott D.
Integrated modelling of the impacts of hydropower projects on the water-food-energy nexus in a transboundary Himalayan river basin [期刊论文]
APPLIED ENERGY, 2019-01-01, 239) : 494-503
Amjath-Babu, T. S.;  Sharma, Bikash;  Brouwer, Roy;  Rasul, Golam;  Wahid, Shahriar M.;  Neupane, Nilhari;  Bhattarai, Utsav;  Sieber, Stefan
Economical environmental sampler designs for detecting airborn spread of fungi responsible for rapid `Ōhi` death [研究报告]
University of Hawaii at Hilo. 2019-01-01
Atkinson, Carter T.;  Roy, Kylle;  Granthon, Carolina
Does thermal plasticity align with local adaptation? An interspecific comparison of wing morphology in sepsid flies [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 32 (5) : 463-475
Rohner, Patrick T.;  Roy, Jeannine;  Schafer, Martin A.;  Blanckenhorn, Wolf U.;  Berger, David
A time series analysis of the relationship between apparent temperature, air pollutants and ischemic stroke in Madrid, Spain [期刊论文]
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 173) : 349-358
Roye, Dominic;  Zarrabeitia, Maria T.;  Riancho, Javier;  Santurtun, Ana
Key Metabolic Pathways of Sulfur Metabolism and Bacterial Diversity under Elevated CO2 and Temperature in Lowland Rice: A Metagenomic Approach [期刊论文]
Padhy, S. R.;  Bhattacharyya, P.;  Nayak, A. K.;  Dash, P. K.;  Roy, K. S.;  Baig, M. J.;  Mohapatra, T.
Daily evaluation of 26 precipitation datasets using Stage-IV gauge-radar data for the CONUS [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019-01-01, 23 (1
Beck H.E.;  Pan M.;  Roy T.;  Weedon G.P.;  Pappenberger F.;  Van Dijk A.I.J.M.;  Huffman G.J.;  Adler R.F.;  Wood E.F.
Drivers of vegetative dormancy across herbaceous perennial plant species [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2018-01-01, 21 (5
Shefferson R.P.;  Kull T.;  Hutchings M.J.;  Selosse M.-A.;  Jacquemyn H.;  Kellett K.M.;  Menges E.S.;  Primack R.B.;  Tuomi J.;  Alahuhta K.;  Hurskainen S.;  Alexander H.M.;  Anderson D.S.;  Brys R.;  Brzosko E.;  Dostálik S.;  Gregg K.;  Ipser Z.;  Jäkäläniemi A.;  Jersáková J.;  Dean Kettle W.;  McCormick M.K.;  Mendoza A.;  Miller M.T.;  Moen A.;  Øien D.-I.;  Püttsepp Ü.;  Roy M.;  Sather N.;  Sletvold N.;  Štípková Z.;  Tali K.;  Warren R.J.;  II;  Whigham D.F.
Large extents of intensive land use limit community reorganization during climate warming [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (6
Oliver T.H.;  Gillings S.;  Pearce-Higgins J.W.;  Brereton T.;  Crick H.Q.P.;  Duffield S.J.;  Morecroft M.D.;  Roy D.B.

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