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Tree-ring δ2H values from lignin methoxyl groups indicate sensitivity to European-scale temperature changes [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020-01-01, 546
Anhäuser T.;  Sehls B.;  Thomas W.;  Hartl C.;  Greule M.;  Scholz D.;  Esper J.;  Keppler F.
Using SMOS soil moisture data combining CO2 flask samples to constrain carbon fluxes during 2010–2015 within a Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS) [期刊论文]
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020-01-01, 240
Wu M.;  Scholze M.;  Kaminski T.;  Voßbeck M.;  Tagesson T.
The seismicity of Mars [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (3
Giardini D.;  Lognonné P.;  Banerdt W.B.;  Pike W.T.;  Christensen U.;  Ceylan S.;  Clinton J.F.;  van Driel M.;  Stähler S.C.;  Böse M.;  Garcia R.F.;  Khan A.;  Panning M.;  Perrin C.;  Banfield D.;  Beucler E.;  Charalambous C.;  Euchner F.;  Horleston A.;  Jacob A.;  Kawamura T.;  Kedar S.;  Mainsant G.;  Scholz J.-R.;  Smrekar S.E.;  Spiga A.;  Agard C.;  Antonangeli D.;  Barkaoui S.;  Barrett E.;  Combes P.;  Conejero V.;  Daubar I.;  Drilleau M.;  Ferrier C.;  Gabsi T.;  Gudkova T.;  Hurst K.;  Karakostas F.;  King S.;  Knapmeyer M.;  Knapmeyer-Endrun B.;  Llorca-Cejudo R.;  Lucas A.;  Luno L.;  Margerin L.;  McClean J.B.;  Mimoun D.;  Murdoch N.;  Nimmo F.;  Nonon M.;  Pardo C.;  Rivoldini A.;  Manfredi J.A.R.;  Samuel H.;  Schimmel M.;  Stott A.E.;  Stutzmann E.;  Teanby N.;  Warren T.;  Weber R.C.;  Wieczorek M.;  Yana C.
Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (3
Lognonné P.;  Banerdt W.B.;  Pike W.T.;  Giardini D.;  Christensen U.;  Garcia R.F.;  Kawamura T.;  Kedar S.;  Knapmeyer-Endrun B.;  Margerin L.;  Nimmo F.;  Panning M.;  Tauzin B.;  Scholz J.-R.;  Antonangeli D.;  Barkaoui S.;  Beucler E.;  Bissig F.;  Brinkman N.;  Calvet M.;  Ceylan S.;  Charalambous C.;  Davis P.;  van Driel M.;  Drilleau M.;  Fayon L.;  Joshi R.;  Kenda B.;  Khan A.;  Knapmeyer M.;  Lekic V.;  McClean J.;  Mimoun D.;  Murdoch N.;  Pan L.;  Perrin C.;  Pinot B.;  Pou L.;  Menina S.;  Rodriguez S.;  Schmelzbach C.;  Schmerr N.;  Sollberger D.;  Spiga A.;  Stähler S.;  Stott A.;  Stutzmann E.;  Tharimena S.;  Widmer-Schnidrig R.;  Andersson F.;  Ansan V.;  Beghein C.;  Böse M.;  Bozdag E.;  Clinton J.;  Daubar I.;  Delage P.;  Fuji N.;  Golombek M.;  Grott M.;  Horleston A.;  Hurst K.;  Irving J.;  Jacob A.;  Knollenberg J.;  Krasner S.;  Krause C.;  Lorenz R.;  Michaut C.;  Myhill R.;  Nissen-Meyer T.;  ten Pierick J.;  Plesa A.-C.;  Quantin-Nataf C.;  Robertsson J.;  Rochas L.;  Schimmel M.;  Smrekar S.;  Spohn T.;  Teanby N.;  Tromp J.;  Vallade J.;  Verdier N.;  Vrettos C.;  Weber R.;  Banfield D.;  Barrett E.;  Bierwirth M.;  Calcutt S.;  Compaire N.;  Johnson C.L.;  Mance D.;  Euchner F.;  Kerjean L.;  Mainsant G.;  Mocquet A.;  Rodriguez Manfredi J.A.;  Pont G.;  Laudet P.;  Nebut T.;  de Raucourt S.;  Robert O.;  Russell C.T.;  Sylvestre-Baron A.;  Tillier S.;  Warren T.;  Wieczorek M.;  Yana C.;  Zweifel P.
Drivers of changing urban flood risk: A framework for action [期刊论文]
Berndtsson, R.;  Becker, P.;  Persson, A.;  Aspegren, H.;  Haghighatafshar, S.;  Jonsson, K.;  Larsson, R.;  Mobini, S.;  Mottaghi, M.;  Nilsson, J.;  Nordstrom, J.;  Pilesjo, P.;  Scholz, M.;  Sternudd, C.;  Sorensen, J.;  Tussupova, K.
Caribbean hydroclimate and vegetation history across the last glacial period [期刊论文]
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2019-01-01, 218) : 75-90
Warken, Sophie F.;  Scholz, Denis;  Spoetl, Christoph;  Jochum, Klaus P.;  Pajon, Jesus M.;  Bahr, Andre;  Mangini, Augusto
Reconstruction of late Holocene autumn/winter precipitation variability in SW Romania from a high-resolution speleothem trace element record [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018-01-01, 499
Warken S.F.;  Fohlmeister J.;  Schröder-Ritzrau A.;  Constantin S.;  Spötl C.;  Gerdes A.;  Esper J.;  Frank N.;  Arps J.;  Terente M.;  Riechelmann D.F.C.;  Mangini A.;  Scholz D.
Evidence of warm and humid interstadials in central Europe during early MIS 3 revealed by a multi-proxy speleothem record [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018-01-01, 200
Weber M.;  Scholz D.;  Schröder-Ritzrau A.;  Deininger M.;  Spötl C.;  Lugli F.;  Mertz-Kraus R.;  Jochum K.P.;  Fohlmeister J.;  Stumpf C.F.;  Riechelmann D.F.C.
Revealing the pace of river landscape evolution during the Quaternary: recent developments in numerical dating methods [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017-01-01, 166
Rixhon G.;  Briant R.M.;  Cordier S.;  Duval M.;  Jones A.;  Scholz D.
The European 2015 drought from a climatological perspective [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017-01-01, 21 (3
Ionita M;  , Tallaksen L;  M;  , Kingston D;  G;  , Stagge J;  H;  , Laaha G;  , Van Lanen H;  A;  J;  , Scholz P;  , Chelcea S;  M;  , Haslinger K

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