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Substantial understory contribution to the C sink of a European temperate mountain forest landscape [期刊论文]
Landscape Ecology, 2020-01-01, 35 (2
Dirnböck T.;  Kraus D.;  Grote R.;  Klatt S.;  Kobler J.;  Schindlbacher A.;  Seidl R.;  Thom D.;  Kiese R.
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long-term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale [期刊论文]
ECOSPHERE, 2019-01-01, 10 (2
Bugmann, Harald;  Seidl, Rupert;  Hartig, Florian;  Bohn, Friedrich;  Bruna, Josef;  Cailleret, Maxime;  Francois, Louis;  Heinke, Jens;  Henrot, Alexandra-Jane;  Hickler, Thomas;  Huelsmann, Lisa;  Huth, Andreas;  Jacquemin, Ingrid;  Kollas, Chris;  Lasch-Born, Petra;  Lexer, Manfred J.;  Merganic, Jan;  Merganicova, Katarna;  Mette, Tobias;  Miranda, Brian R.;  Nadal-Sala, Daniel;  Rammer, Werner;  Rammig, Anja;  Reineking, Bjoern;  Roedig, Edna;  Sabate, Santi;  Steinkamp, Jorg;  Suckow, Felicitas;  Vacchiano, Giorgio;  Wild, Jan;  Xu, Chonggang;  Reyer, Christopher P. O.
Catalyzing Transformations to Sustainability in the World's Mountains [期刊论文]
EARTHS FUTURE, 2019-01-01, 7 (5) : 547-557
Klein, J. A.;  Tucker, C. M.;  Nolin, A. W.;  Hopping, K. A.;  Reid, R. S.;  Steger, C.;  Gret-Regamey, A.;  Lavorel, S.;  Mueller, B.;  Yeh, E. T.;  Boone, R. B.;  Bourgeron, P.;  Butsic, V.;  Castellanos, E.;  Chen, X.;  Dong, S. K.;  Greenwood, G.;  Keiler, M.;  Marchant, R.;  Seidl, R.;  Spies, T.;  Thorn, J.;  Yager, K.;  Abbott, M.;  Bowser, G.;  Carpenter, C.;  Cumming, G. S.;  Evangelista, P.;  Fernandez-Gimenez, M. E.;  Flint, C. G.;  Forbes, B. C.;  Gerkey, D.;  Ghate, R.;  Ghorbani, M.;  Haider, L. J.;  Karna, B.;  Leisz, S. J.;  Martin-Lopez, B.;  Nakileza, B. R.;  Price, M. F.;  Savchuk, D.;  Hribar, M. Smid;  Sproles, E.;  Suryawanshi, K. R.;  Taber, A.;  Tappeiner, U.;  Tevzadze, G.;  Ueno, K.
Social acceptance of distributed energy systems in Swiss, German, and Austrian energy transitions [期刊论文]
ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, 2019-01-01, 54) : 117-128
Seidl, R.;  von Wirth, T.;  Kruetl, P.
Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2018-01-01, 21 (1
van der Plas F.;  Ratcliffe S.;  Ruiz-Benito P.;  Scherer-Lorenzen M.;  Verheyen K.;  Wirth C.;  Zavala M.A.;  Ampoorter E.;  Baeten L.;  Barbaro L.;  Bastias C.C.;  Bauhus J.;  Benavides R.;  Benneter A.;  Bonal D.;  Bouriaud O.;  Bruelheide H.;  Bussotti F.;  Carnol M.;  Castagneyrol B.;  Charbonnier Y.;  Cornelissen J.H.C.;  Dahlgren J.;  Checko E.;  Coppi A.;  Dawud S.M.;  Deconchat M.;  De Smedt P.;  De Wandeler H.;  Domisch T.;  Finér L.;  Fotelli M.;  Gessler A.;  Granier A.;  Grossiord C.;  Guyot V.;  Haase J.;  Hättenschwiler S.;  Jactel H.;  Jaroszewicz B.;  Joly F.-X.;  Jucker T.;  Kambach S.;  Kaendler G.;  Kattge J.;  Koricheva J.;  Kunstler G.;  Lehtonen A.;  Liebergesell M.;  Manning P.;  Milligan H.;  Müller S.;  Muys B.;  Nguyen D.;  Nock C.;  Ohse B.;  Paquette A.;  Peñuelas J.;  Pollastrini M.;  Radoglou K.;  Raulund-Rasmussen K.;  Roger F.;  Seidl R.;  Selvi F.;  Stenlid J.;  Valladares F.;  van Keer J.;  Vesterdal L.;  Fischer M.;  Gamfeldt L.;  Allan E.
Large-scale disturbance legacies and the climate sensitivity of primary Picea abies forests [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (5
Schurman J.S.;  Trotsiuk V.;  Bače R.;  Čada V.;  Fraver S.;  Janda P.;  Kulakowski D.;  Labusova J.;  Mikoláš M.;  Nagel T.A.;  Seidl R.;  Synek M.;  Svobodová K.;  Chaskovskyy O.;  Teodosiu M.;  Svoboda M.
Natural disturbances are spatially diverse but temporally synchronized across temperate forest landscapes in Europe [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (3
Senf C.;  Seidl R.
A walk on the wild side: Disturbance dynamics and the conservation and management of European mountain forest ecosystems [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017-01-01, 388
Kulakowski D.;  Seidl R.;  Holeksa J.;  Kuuluvainen T.;  Nagel T.A.;  Panayotov M.;  Svoboda M.;  Thorn S.;  Vacchiano G.;  Whitlock C.;  Wohlgemuth T.;  Bebi P.
Assessing the resilience of Norway spruce forests through a model-based reanalysis of thinning trials [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017-01-01, 388
Seidl R.;  Vigl F.;  Rössler G.;  Neumann M.;  Rammer W.
Changes of forest cover and disturbance regimes in the mountain forests of the Alps [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017-01-01, 388
Bebi P.;  Seidl R.;  Motta R.;  Fuhr M.;  Firm D.;  Krumm F.;  Conedera M.;  Ginzler C.;  Wohlgemuth T.;  Kulakowski D.

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