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Determining the Mode, Frequency, and Azimuthal Wave Number of ULF Waves During a HSS and Moderate Geomagnetic Storm [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (8
Murphy K.R.;  Inglis A.R.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Rae I.J.;  Watt C.E.J.;  Silveira M.;  Plaschke F.;  Claudepierre S.G.;  Nakamura R.
Ion Injection Triggered EMIC Waves in the Earth's Magnetosphere [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (6
Remya B.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Halford A.J.;  Murphy K.R.;  Reeves G.D.;  Singer H.J.;  Wygant J.R.;  Farinas Perez G.;  Thaller S.A.
Magnetosheath Propagation Time of Solar Wind Directional Discontinuities [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (5
Samsonov A.A.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Dmitrieva N.P.;  Semenov V.S.;  Slivka K.Y.;  Šafránkova J.;  Němeček Z.
The Role of Localized Compressional Ultra-low Frequency Waves in Energetic Electron Precipitation [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Rae I.J.;  Murphy K.R.;  Watt C.E.J.;  Halford A.J.;  Mann I.R.;  Ozeke L.G.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Clilverd M.A.;  Rodger C.J.;  Degeling A.W.;  Forsyth C.;  Singer H.J.
Dawn-Dusk Auroral Oval Oscillations Associated With High-Speed Solar Wind [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (1
Liou K.;  Sibeck D.G.
Is diffuse aurora driven from above or below? [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (2
Khazanov G.V.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Zesta E.
Magnetospheric Multiscale mission observations of the outer electron diffusion region [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (5
Hwang K.-J.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Choi E.;  Chen L.-J.;  Ergun R.E.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Giles B.L.;  Pollock C.J.;  Gershman D.;  Dorelli J.C.;  Avanov L.;  Paterson W.R.;  Burch J.L.;  Russell C.T.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Torbert R.B.
Ultra-relativistic radiation belt extinction and ULF wave radial diffusion: Modeling the September 2014 extended dropout event [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (6
Ozeke L.G.;  Mann I.R.;  Murphy K.R.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Baker D.N.
Observations of energetic particle escape at the magnetopause: Early results from the MMS Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (12
Cohen I.J.;  Mauk B.H.;  Anderson B.J.;  Westlake J.H.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Giles B.L.;  Pollock C.J.;  Turner D.L.;  Fennell J.F.;  Blake J.B.;  Clemmons J.H.;  Jaynes A.N.;  Baker D.N.;  Craft J.V.;  Spence H.E.;  Niehof J.T.;  Reeves G.D.;  Torbert R.B.;  Russell C.T.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Magnes W.;  Trattner K.J.;  Fuselier S.A.;  Burch J.L.
Outer radiation belt dropout dynamics following the arrival of two interplanetary coronal mass ejections [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (3
Alves L.R.;  Da Silva L.A.;  Souza V.M.;  Sibeck D.G.;  Jauer P.R.;  Vieira L.E.A.;  Walsh B.M.;  Silveira M.V.D.;  Marchezi J.P.;  Rockenbach M.;  Lago A.D.;  Mendes O.;  Tsurutani B.T.;  Koga D.;  Kanekal S.G.;  Baker D.N.;  Wygant J.R.;  Kletzing C.A.

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