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Evidence for a grounding line fan at the onset of a basal channel under the ice shelf of Support Force Glacier, Antarctica, revealed by reflection seismics [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (3
Hofstede C.;  Beyer S.;  Corr H.;  Eisen O.;  Hattermann T.;  Helm V.;  Neckel N.;  Smith E.C.;  Steinhage D.;  Zeising O.;  Humbert A.
The trace fossil record of the Nama Group, Namibia: Exploring the terminal Ediacaran roots of the Cambrian explosion [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2021-01-01, 212
Darroch S.A.F.;  Cribb A.T.;  Buatois L.A.;  Germs G.J.B.;  Kenchington C.G.;  Smith E.F.;  Mocke H.;  O'Neil G.R.;  Schiffbauer J.D.;  Maloney K.M.;  Racicot R.A.;  Turk K.A.;  Gibson B.M.;  Almond J.;  Koester B.;  Boag T.H.;  Tweedt S.M.;  Laflamme M.
How does the World Bank shape global environmental governance agendas for coasts? 50 years of small-scale fisheries aid reveals paradigm shifts over time [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 68
Hamilton J.;  Basurto X.;  Smith H.;  Virdin J.
Would you like to know more? The effect of personalized wildfire risk information and social comparisons on information-seeking behavior in the wildland–urban interface [期刊论文]
Natural Hazards, 2021-01-01, 106 (3
Meldrum J.R.;  Brenkert-Smith H.;  Champ P.A.;  Gomez J.;  Byerly H.;  Falk L.;  Barth C.M.
Status and trends of tundra birds across the circumpolar Arctic [期刊论文]
Ambio, 2020-01-01, 49 (3
Smith P.A.;  McKinnon L.;  Meltofte H.;  Lanctot R.B.;  Fox A.D.;  Leafloor J.O.;  Soloviev M.;  Franke A.;  Falk K.;  Golovatin M.;  Sokolov V.;  Sokolov A.;  Smith A.C.
Sources of Uncertainty in Regional and Global Terrestrial CO2 Exchange Estimates [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2020-01-01, 34 (2
Bastos A.;  O'Sullivan M.;  Ciais P.;  Makowski D.;  Sitch S.;  Friedlingstein P.;  Chevallier F.;  Rödenbeck C.;  Pongratz J.;  Luijkx I.T.;  Patra P.K.;  Peylin P.;  Canadell J.G.;  Lauerwald R.;  Li W.;  Smith N.E.;  Peters W.;  Goll D.S.;  Jain A.K.;  Kato E.;  Lienert S.;  Lombardozzi D.L.;  Haverd V.;  Nabel J.E.M.S.;  Poulter B.;  Tian H.;  Walker A.P.;  Zaehle S.
Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy [期刊论文]
Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2020-01-01, 4 (2
Danovaro R.;  Fanelli E.;  Aguzzi J.;  Billett D.;  Carugati L.;  Corinaldesi C.;  Dell’Anno A.;  Gjerde K.;  Jamieson A.J.;  Kark S.;  McClain C.;  Levin L.;  Levin N.;  Ramirez-Llodra E.;  Ruhl H.;  Smith C.R.;  Snelgrove P.V.R.;  Thomsen L.;  Van Dover C.L.;  Yasuhara M.
Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2020-01-01, 10 (2
Myers-Smith I.H.;  Kerby J.T.;  Phoenix G.K.;  Bjerke J.W.;  Epstein H.E.;  Assmann J.J.;  John C.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Angers-Blondin S.;  Beck P.S.A.;  Berner L.T.;  Bhatt U.S.;  Bjorkman A.D.;  Blok D.;  Bryn A.;  Christiansen C.T.;  Cornelissen J.H.C.;  Cunliffe A.M.;  Elmendorf S.C.;  Forbes B.C.;  Goetz S.J.;  Hollister R.D.;  de Jong R.;  Loranty M.M.;  Macias-Fauria M.;  Maseyk K.;  Normand S.;  Olofsson J.;  Parker T.C.;  Parmentier F.-J.W.;  Post E.;  Schaepman-Strub G.;  Stordal F.;  Sullivan P.F.;  Thomas H.J.D.;  Tømmervik H.;  Treharne R.;  Tweedie C.E.;  Walker D.A.;  Wilmking M.;  Wipf S.
Mass balance of the ice sheets and glaciers – Progress since AR5 and challenges [期刊论文]
Earth-Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 201
Hanna E.;  Pattyn F.;  Navarro F.;  Favier V.;  Goelzer H.;  van den Broeke M.R.;  Vizcaino M.;  Whitehouse P.L.;  Ritz C.;  Bulthuis K.;  Smith B.
Sources of Uncertainty in Regional and Global Terrestrial CO2 Exchange Estimates [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2020-01-01, 34 (2
Bastos A.;  O'Sullivan M.;  Ciais P.;  Makowski D.;  Sitch S.;  Friedlingstein P.;  Chevallier F.;  Rödenbeck C.;  Pongratz J.;  Luijkx I.T.;  Patra P.K.;  Peylin P.;  Canadell J.G.;  Lauerwald R.;  Li W.;  Smith N.E.;  Peters W.;  Goll D.S.;  Jain A.K.;  Kato E.;  Lienert S.;  Lombardozzi D.L.;  Haverd V.;  Nabel J.E.M.S.;  Poulter B.;  Tian H.;  Walker A.P.;  Zaehle S.

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