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Source apportionment of PM2.5 across China using LOTOS-EUROS [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 164
Timmermans R;  , Kranenburg R;  , Manders A;  , Hendriks C;  , Segers A;  , Dammers E;  , Denier van der Gon H;  , Schaap M;  , Dammers E;  , Zhang Q;  , Wang L;  , Liu Z
Underestimation of chemical contamination in marine fish muscle tissue can be reduced by considering variable wet:dry weight ratios [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 123 (2018-01-02
Cresson P.;  Travers-Trolet M.;  Rouquette M.;  Timmerman C.-A.;  Giraldo C.;  Lefebvre S.;  Ernande B.
Analysis of current validation practices in Europe for space-based climate data records of essential climate variables [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2015-01-01, 42
Zeng Y;  , Su Z;  , Calvet J;  -C;  , Manninen T;  , Swinnen E;  , Schulz J;  , Roebeling R;  , Poli P;  , Tan D;  , Riihelä A;  , Tanis C;  -M;  , Arslan A;  -N;  , Obregon A;  , Kaiser-Weiss A;  , John V;  O;  , Timmermans W;  , Timmermans J;  , Kaspar F;  , Gregow H;  , Barbu A;  -L;  , Fairbairn D;  , Gelati E;  , Meurey C