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A genomics approach reveals the global genetic polymorphism, structure, and functional diversity of ten accessions of the marine model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum [期刊论文]
ISME Journal, 2020-01-01, 14 (2
Rastogi A.;  Vieira F.R.J.;  Deton-Cabanillas A.-F.;  Veluchamy A.;  Cantrel C.;  Wang G.;  Vanormelingen P.;  Bowler C.;  Piganeau G.;  Hu H.;  Tirichine L.
The role of turbulent fluctuations in aerosol activation and cloud formation [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (29
Prabhakaran P.;  Shawon A.S.Md.;  Kinney G.;  Thomas S.;  Cantrell W.;  Shaw R.A.
Employing plant functional groups to advance seed dispersal ecology and conservation [期刊论文]
AOB PLANTS, 2019-01-01, 11 (2
Aslan, Clare;  Beckman, Noelle G.;  Rogers, Haldre S.;  Bronstein, Judie;  Zurell, Damaris;  Hartig, Florian;  Shea, Katriona;  Pejchar, Liba;  Neubert, Mike;  Poulsen, John;  HilleRisLambers, Janneke;  Miriti, Maria;  Loiselle, Bette;  Effiom, Edu;  Zambrano, Jenny;  Schupp, Geno;  Pufal, Gesine;  Johnson, Jeremy;  Bullock, James M.;  Brodie, Jedediah;  Bruna, Emilio;  Cantrell, Robert Stephen;  Decker, Robin;  Fricke, Evan;  Gurski, Katie;  Hastings, Alan;  Kogan, Oleg;  Razafindratsima, Onja;  Sandor, Manette;  Schreiber, Sebastian;  Snell, Rebecca;  Strickland, Christopher;  Zhou, Ying
Rapid changes in seed dispersal traits may modify plant responses to global change [期刊论文]
AOB PLANTS, 2019-01-01, 11 (3
Johnson, Jeremy S.;  Cantrell, Robert Stephen;  Cosner, Chris;  Hartig, Florian;  Hastings, Alan;  Rogers, Haldre S.;  Schupp, Eugene W.;  Shea, Katriona;  Teller, Brittany J.;  Yu, Xiao;  Zurell, Damaris;  Pufal, Gesine
Designing Autonomy: Opportunities for New Wildness in the Anthropocene [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2017-01-01, 32 (3
Cantrell B.;  Martin L.J.;  Ellis E.C.
Transparency and Control of Autonomous Wildness: A Reply to Galaz and Mouazen [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2017-01-01, 32 (9
Ellis E.C.;  Cantrell B.;  Martin L.J.
MRI/Acquisition: Upgrading the Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology Laboratory at Universidad del Turabo with a more efficient Genetic Analyzer for sequencing and fragment analysis [项目]
Sharon Cantrell
Convective transport and scavenging of peroxides by thunderstorms observed over the central U.S. during DC3 [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016-01-01, 121 (8
Barth M.C.;  Bela M.M.;  Fried A.;  Wennberg P.O.;  Crounse J.D.;  St Clair J.M.;  Blake N.J.;  Blake D.R.;  Homeyer C.R.;  Brune W.H.;  Zhang L.;  Mao J.;  Ren X.;  Ryerson T.B.;  Pollack I.B.;  Peischl J.;  Cohen R.C.;  Nault B.A.;  Huey L.G.;  Liu X.;  Cantrell C.A.
Collaborative Research: Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in Clouds: A Synergistic Experimental and Simulation Approach [项目]
Will Cantrell
Chemistry-turbulence interactions and mesoscale variability influence the cleansing efficiency of the atmosphere [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (24
Kaser L.;  Karl T.;  Yuan B.;  Mauldin R.L.;  III;  Cantrell C.A.;  Guenther A.B.;  Patton E.G.;  Weinheimer A.J.;  Knote C.;  Orlando J.;  Emmons L.;  Apel E.;  Hornbrook R.;  Shertz S.;  Ullmann K.;  Hall S.;  Graus M.;  De Gouw J.;  Zhou X.;  Ye C.

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