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Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (39
Valencia E.;  de Bello F.;  Galland T.;  Adler P.B.;  Lepš J.;  E-Vojtkó A.;  van Klink R.;  Carmona C.P.;  Danihelka J.;  Dengler J.;  Eldridge D.J.;  Estiarte M.;  García-González R.;  Garnier E.;  Gómez‐García D.;  Harrison S.P.;  Herben T.;  Ibáñez R.;  Jentsch A.;  Juergens N.;  Kertész M.;  Klumpp K.;  Louault F.;  Marrs R.H.;  Ogaya R.;  Ónodi G.;  Pakeman R.J.;  Pardo I.;  Pärtel M.;  Peco B.;  Peñuelas J.;  Pywell R.F.;  Rueda M.;  Schmidt W.;  Schmiedel U.;  Schuetz M.;  Skálová H.;  Šmilauer P.;  Šmilauerová M.;  Smit C.;  Song M.;  Stock M.;  Val J.;  Vandvik V.;  Ward D.;  Wesche K.;  Wiser S.K.;  Woodcock B.A.;  Young T.P.;  Yu F.-H.;  Zobel M.;  Götzenberger L.
Southern Ocean carbon sink enhanced by sea-ice feedbacks at the Antarctic Cold Reversal [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (7
Fogwill C.J.;  Turney C.S.M.;  Menviel L.;  Baker A.;  Weber M.E.;  Ellis B.;  Thomas Z.A.;  Golledge N.R.;  Etheridge D.;  Rubino M.;  Thornton D.P.;  van Ommen T.D.;  Moy A.D.;  Curran M.A.J.;  Davies S.;  Bird M.I.;  Munksgaard N.C.;  Rootes C.M.;  Millman H.;  Vohra J.;  Rivera A.;  Mackintosh A.;  Pike J.;  Hall I.R.;  Bagshaw E.A.;  Rainsley E.;  Bronk-Ramsey C.;  Montenari M.;  Cage A.G.;  Harris M.R.P.;  Jones R.;  Power A.;  Love J.;  Young J.;  Weyrich L.S.;  Cooper A.
Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges unveiled beneath the margins of the Antarctic ice sheet [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (2
Morlighem M.;  Rignot E.;  Binder T.;  Blankenship D.;  Drews R.;  Eagles G.;  Eisen O.;  Ferraccioli F.;  Forsberg R.;  Fretwell P.;  Goel V.;  Greenbaum J.S.;  Gudmundsson H.;  Guo J.;  Helm V.;  Hofstede C.;  Howat I.;  Humbert A.;  Jokat W.;  Karlsson N.B.;  Lee W.S.;  Matsuoka K.;  Millan R.;  Mouginot J.;  Paden J.;  Pattyn F.;  Roberts J.;  Rosier S.;  Ruppel A.;  Seroussi H.;  Smith E.C.;  Steinhage D.;  Sun B.;  Broeke M.R.;  Ommen T.D.;  Wessem M.;  Young D.A.
Climate change vulnerability assessment of species [期刊论文]
Foden, Wendy B.;  Young, Bruce E.;  Akcakaya, H. Resit;  Garcia, Raquel A.;  Hoffmann, Ary A.;  Stein, Bruce A.;  Thomas, Chris D.;  Wheatley, Christopher J.;  Bickford, David;  Carr, Jamie A.;  Hole, David G.;  Martin, Tara G.;  Pacifici, Michela;  Pearce-Higgins, James W.;  Platts, Philip J.;  Visconti, Piero;  Watson, James E. M.;  Huntley, Brian
The Dynamic Habitat Indices (DHIs) from MODIS and global biodiversity [期刊论文]
REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 2019-01-01, 222) : 204-214
Radeloff, V. C.;  Dubinin, M.;  Coops, N. C.;  Allen, A. M.;  Brooks, T. M.;  Clayton, M. K.;  Costa, G. C.;  Graham, C. H.;  Helmers, D. P.;  Ives, A. R.;  Kolesov, D.;  Pidgeon, A. M.;  Rapacciuolo, G.;  Razenkova, E.;  Suttidate, N.;  Young, B. E.;  Zhu, L.;  Hobi, M. L.
Measurements of hydroxyl and hydroperoxy radicals during CalNex-LA: Model comparisons and radical budgets [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016-01-01, 121 (8
Griffith S.M.;  Hansen R.F.;  Dusanter S.;  Michoud V.;  Gilman J.B.;  Kuster W.C.;  Veres P.R.;  Graus M.;  De Gouw J.A.;  Roberts J.;  Young C.;  Washenfelder R.;  Brown S.S.;  Thalman R.;  Waxman E.;  Volkamer R.;  Tsai C.;  Stutz J.;  Flynn J.H.;  Grossberg N.;  Lefer B.;  Alvarez S.L.;  Rappenglueck B.;  Mielke L.H.;  Osthoff H.D.;  Stevens P.S.
Spatial variability and temporal trends in water-use efficiency of European forests [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2014-01-01, 20 (12
Saurer M.;  Spahni R.;  Frank D.C.;  Joos F.;  Leuenberger M.;  Loader N.J.;  Mccarroll D.;  Gagen M.;  Poulter B.;  Siegwolf R.T.W.;  Andreu-Hayles L.;  Boettger T.;  Dorado Liñán I.;  Fairchild I.J.;  Friedrich M.;  Gutierrez E.;  Haupt M.;  Hilasvuori E.;  Heinrich I.;  Helle G.;  Grudd H.;  Jalkanen R.;  Levanič T.;  Linderholm H.W.;  Robertson I.;  Sonninen E.;  Treydte K.;  Waterhouse J.S.;  Woodley E.J.;  Wynn P.M.;  Young G.H.F.
Two independent methods for mapping the grounding line of an outlet glacier - An example from the Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adélie, Antarctica [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2014-01-01, 8 (4
Le Meur E;  , Sacchettini M;  , Garambois S;  , Berthier E;  , Drouet A;  S;  , Durand G;  , Young D;  , Greenbaum J;  S;  , Holt J;  W;  , Blankenship D;  D;  , Rignot E;  , Mouginot J;  , Gim Y;  , Kirchner D;  , De Fleurian B;  , Gagliardini O;  , Gillet-Chaulet F
Bedmap2: Improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2013-01-01, 7 (1
Fretwell P;  , Pritchard H;  D;  , Vaughan D;  G;  , Bamber J;  L;  , Barrand N;  E;  , Bell R;  , Bianchi C;  , Bingham R;  G;  , Blankenship D;  D;  , Casassa G;  , Catania G;  , Callens D;  , Conway H;  , Cook A;  J;  , Corr H;  F;  J;  , Damaske D;  , Damm V;  , Ferraccioli F;  , Forsberg R;  , Fujita S;  , Gim Y;  , Gogineni P;  , Griggs J;  A;  , Hindmarsh R;  C;  A;  , Holmlund P;  , Holt J;  W;  , Jacobel R;  W;  , Jenkins A;  , Jokat W;  , Jordan T;  , King E;  C;  , Kohler J;  , Krabill W;  , Riger-Kusk M;  , Langley K;  A;  , Leitchenkov G;  , Leuschen C;  , Luyendyk B;  P;  , Matsuoka K;  , Mouginot J;  , Nitsche F;  O;  , Nogi Y;  , Nost O;  A;  , Popov S;  V;  , Rignot E;  , Rippin D;  M;  , Rivera A;  , Roberts J;  , Ross N;  , Siegert M;  J;  , Smith A;  M;  , Steinhage D;  , Studinger M;  , Sun B;  , Tinto B;  K;  , Welch B;  C;  , Wilson D;  , Young D;  A;  , Xiangbin C;  , Zirizzotti A
The 2008 Emiliania huxleyi bloom along the Patagonian Shelf: Ecology, biogeochemistry, and cellular calcification [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2013-01-01, 27 (4
Poulton A;  J;  , Painter S;  C;  , Young J;  R;  , Bates N;  R;  , Bowler B;  , Drapeau D;  , Lyczsckowski E;  , Balch W;  M