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Sharing responsibility for trade-related emissions based on economic benefits [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 66
Jakob M.;  Ward H.;  Steckel J.C.
Addressing recent misreporting of findings from “Better estimates of LCOE from audited accounts – A new methodology with examples from United Kingdom offshore wind and CCGT” [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 153
Aldersey-Williams J.;  Broadbent I.D.;  Strachan P.A.
Climate policy and international trade – A critical appraisal of the literature [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Jakob M.
Subsidisation cost analysis of renewable energy deployment: A case study on the Italian feed-in tariff programme for photovoltaics [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 154
Poponi D.;  Basosi R.;  Kurdgelashvili L.
Making the TEN-E regulation compatible with the Green Deal: Eligibility, selection, and cost allocation for PCIs [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Schittekatte T.;  Pototschnig A.;  Meeus L.;  Jamasb T.;  Llorca M.
Do minimum trading capacities for the cross-zonal exchange of electricity lead to welfare losses? [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Schönheit D.;  Dierstein C.;  Möst D.
The role of supreme audit institutions in energy accountability in EU countries [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Sułkowski Ł.;  Dobrowolski Z.
Citizen preferences on private-public co-regulation in environmental governance: Evidence from Switzerland [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 68
Kolcava D.;  Rudolph L.;  Bernauer T.
Soil carbon stocks in Indonesian (agro) forest transitions: Compaction conceals lower carbon concentrations in standard accounting [期刊论文]
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2020-01-01, 294
Hairiah K.;  van Noordwijk M.;  Sari R.R.;  Saputra D.D.;  Widianto;  Suprayogo D.;  Kurniawan S.;  Prayogo C.;  Gusli S.
Application of Landsat-derived vegetation trends over South Africa: Potential for monitoring land degradation and restoration [期刊论文]
Ecological Indicators, 2020-01-01, 113
Venter Z.S.;  Scott S.L.;  Desmet P.G.;  Hoffman M.T.

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