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Interfacial supercooling and the precipitation of hydrohalite in frozen NaCl solutions as seen by X-ray absorption spectroscopy [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (4
Bartels-Rausch T.;  Kong X.;  Orlando F.;  Artiglia L.;  Waldner A.;  Huthwelker T.;  Ammann M.
Snow depth time series retrieval by time-lapse photography: Finnish and Italian case studies [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (1
Bongio M.;  Nadir Arslan A.;  Melih Tanis C.;  De Michele C.
Spectral attenuation coefficients from measurements of light transmission in bare ice on the Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (4
Cooper M.G.;  Smith L.C.;  Rennermalm A.K.;  Tedesco M.;  Muthyala R.;  Leidman S.Z.;  Moustafa S.E.;  Fayne J.V.
Spaceborne infrared imagery for early detection of Weddell Polynya opening [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (7
Heuzé C.;  Zhou L.;  Mohrmann M.;  Lemos A.
Estimating instantaneous sea-ice dynamics from space using the bi-static radar measurements of Earth Explorer 10 candidate Harmony [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (7
Kleinherenbrink M.;  Korosov A.;  Newman T.;  Theodosiou A.;  Komarov A.S.;  Li Y.;  Mulder G.;  Rampal P.;  Stroeve J.;  Lopez-Dekker P.
Assessment of ICESat-2 ice surface elevations over the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) route, East Antarctica, based on coordinated multi-sensor observations [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (7
Li R.;  Li H.;  Hao T.;  Qiao G.;  Cui H.;  He Y.;  Hai G.;  Xie H.;  Cheng Y.;  Li B.
Brief communication: New radar constraints support presence of ice older than 1.5 Myr at Little Dome C [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (4
Lilien D.A.;  Steinhage D.;  Taylor D.;  Parrenin F.;  Ritz C.;  Mulvaney R.;  Martín C.;  Yan J.-B.;  O'Neill C.;  Frezzotti M.;  Miller H.;  Gogineni P.;  Dahl-Jensen D.;  Eisen O.
A low-cost method for monitoring snow characteristics at remote field sites [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (1
Tutton R.J.;  Way R.G.
An exploratory modelling study of perennial firn aquifers in the Antarctic Peninsula for the period 1979-2016 [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (2
Van Wessem J.M.;  Steger C.R.;  Wever N.;  Van Den Broeke M.R.
Indication of high basal melting at the EastGRIP drill site on the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (7
Zeising O.;  Humbert A.

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