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Tradeoffs between Water Uses and Environmental Flows: A Hydroeconomic Analysis in the Ebro Basin [期刊论文]
WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 2019-01-01, 33 (7) : 2301-2317
Crespo, Daniel;  Albiac, Jose;  Kahil, Taher;  Esteban, Encarna;  Baccour, Safa
The silence of the layers: Archaeological site visibility in the Pleistocene-Holocene transition at the Ebro Basin [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018-01-01, 184
Alday A.;  Domingo R.;  Sebastián M.;  Soto A.;  Aranbarri J.;  González-Sampériz P.;  Sampietro-Vattuone M.M.;  Utrilla P.;  Montes L.;  Peña-Monné J.L.
Temporal continuity of extreme precipitation events using sub-daily precipitation: application to floods in the Ebro basin, northeastern Spain [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2018-01-01, 38 (4
Merino A.;  Fernández-González S.;  García-Ortega E.;  Sánchez J.L.;  López L.;  Gascón E.
20 Myr of eccentricity paced lacustrine cycles in the Cenozoic Ebro Basin [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2014-01-01, Volume 408) : Pages 183-193
Luis Valeroa;  ;  ;  Miguel Garcé;  sa;  ;  Lluí;  s Cabreraa;  Elisenda Costab;  Alberto Sá;  eza
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Terrace staircase development in the Southern Pyrenees Foreland: Inferences from 10Be terrace exposure ages at the Segre River [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2013-01-01, 101
Stange K.M.;  van Balen R.;  Carcaillet J.;  Vandenberghe J.
Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security----Recommended actions and proposed guidelines for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2013-01-01
Haran Bar-On;  Maria Berglund;  Christiane Gerstetter;  Dr. Eleftheria Kampa;  Katriona McGlade;  Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf;  Lucy Olivia Smith;  Elizabeth Tedsen JD;  Rodrigo Vidaurre
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