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The expansion of RES and the EU ETS – valuable addition or conflicting instruments? [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 150
Anke C.-P.;  Möst D.
The role of environmental taxes and public policies in supporting RES investments in EU countries: Barriers and mimicking effects [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Carfora A.;  Pansini R.V.;  Scandurra G.
China's climate ambition: Revisiting its First Nationally Determined Contribution and centering a just transition to clean energy [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 155
Carlson D.A.;  Robinson S.-A.;  Blair C.;  McDonough M.
Green jobs and energy efficiency as strategies for economic growth and the reduction of environmental impacts [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Dell'Anna F.
Are the European manufacturing and energy sectors on track for achieving net-zero emissions in 2050? An empirical analysis [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Vieira L.C.;  Longo M.;  Mura M.
Virtual water and CO2 emission footprints embodied in power trade: EU-27 [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 155
Wang L.;  Fan Y.V.;  Jiang P.;  Varbanov P.S.;  Klemeš J.J.
Denmark and Nord Stream 2: A small state's role in global energy politics [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Wood S.;  Henke O.
Sharing responsibility for trade-related emissions based on economic benefits [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 66
Jakob M.;  Ward H.;  Steckel J.C.
Coal phase-outs and carbon prices: Interactions between EU emission trading and national carbon mitigation policies [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 144
Anke C.-P.;  Hobbie H.;  Schreiber S.;  Möst D.
Heterogeneous impacts of regulatory policy stringency on the EU electricity Industry:A Bayesian shrinkage dynamic analysis [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 142
Bigerna S.;  D'Errico M.C.;  Polinori P.

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