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Development of a Polar Stratospheric Cloud Model within the Community Earth System Model using constraints on Type i PSCs from the 2010-2011 Arctic winter [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 7 (2
Zhu Y;  , Toon O;  B;  , Lambert A;  , Kinnison D;  E;  T;  , Brakebusch M;  , Bardeen C;  G;  , Mills M;  J;  , English J;  M
What can ecological science tell us about opportunities for carbon sequestration on arid rangelands in the United States? [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 2013-01-01, Volume 23 (Issue 1) : Pages 240-251
Kayje Booker;  Lynn Huntsinger;  James W. Bartolome;  Nathan F. Sayre;  William Stewart
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Collaborative Research: Statistical Physics of Fault Behavior - Dynamic Friction, Strain Localization, Comminution, Heat Transfer, and Compaction [项目]
Jean Carlson
Collaborative Research: Statistical Physics of Fault Behavior - Dynamic Friction, Strain Localization, Comminution, Heat Transfer, and Compaction [项目]
Ahmed Elbanna
INSPIRE Track 1::From population ecology to physics and back: understanding spatiotemporal synchrony using Ising class phase transitions in noisy dissipative models [项目]
Alan Hastings
EAGER: Sediment Transport in the Wake of a Marine HydroKinetic Turbine [项目]
Anya Jones