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Completion Report for Well ER-20-12: Corrective Action Units 101 and 102: Central and Western Pahute Mesa [研究报告]
Wurtz, Jeff
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Evaluation of PM-3 Chemistry Data and Possible Interpretations of 3H Observations, Revision 0 [研究报告]
Andrews, Robert;  Marutzky, Sam J.
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Radiochemically-Supported Microbial Communities: A Potential Mechanism for Biocolloid Production of Importance to Actinide Transport [研究报告]
Moser, Duane P;  Hamilton-Brehm, Scott D;  Fisher, Jenny C;  Bruckner, James C;  Kruger, Brittany;  Sackett, Joshua;  Russell, Charles E;  Onstott, Tullis C;  Czerwinski, Ken
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Data Report: Meteorological and Evapotranspiration Data from Sagebrush and Pinyon Pine/Juniper Communities at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, 2011-2012 [研究报告]
Jasoni, Richard L [DRI];  Larsen, Jessica D [DRI];  Lyles, Brad F. [DRI];  Healey, John M [DRI];  Cooper, Clay A [DRI];  Hershey, Ronald L [DRI];  Lefebre, Karen J [DRI]
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Estimation of Groundwater Recharge at Pahute Mesa using the Chloride Mass-Balance Method [研究报告]
Cooper, Clay A [DRI];  Hershey, Ronald L [DRI];  Healey, John M [DRI];  Lyles, Brad F [DRI]
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Timber Mountain Precipitation Monitoring Station [研究报告]
Lyles, Brad;  McCurdy, Greg;  Chapman, Jenny;  Miller, Julianne
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Pahute Mesa Well Development and Testing Analyses for Wells ER-20-8 and ER-20-4, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada, Revision 0 [研究报告]
Greg Ruskauff and Sam Marutzky
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Completion Report for Wells ER-20-8 and ER-20-8#2 Corrective Action Units 101 and 102: Central and Western Pahute Mesa [研究报告]
Pawloski, G A
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Completion Report for Well ER-EC-12 Corrective Action Units 101 and 102: Central and Western Pahute Mesa [研究报告]
NSTec Environmental Restoration
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Completion Report for Well ER-20-4 Corrective Action Units 101 and 102: Central and Western Pahute Mesa [研究报告]
NSTec Environmental Management
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