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Combined effects of ocean acidification and increased light intensity on natural phytoplankton communities from two Southern Ocean water masses [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 41 (1) : 30-45
Donahue, Kelsey;  Klaas, Christine;  Dillingham, Peter W.;  Hoffmann, Linn J.
Reconstruction of trophic state shifts over the past 90 years in a eutrophicated lake in western Switzerland, inferred from the sedimentary record of photosynthetic pigments [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 61 (2) : 129-145
Makri, Stamatina;  Lami, Andrea;  Lods-Crozet, Brigitte;  Loizeau, Jean-Luc
Diatom Physiology Controls Silicic Acid Leakage in Response to Iron Fertilization [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019-01-01, 33 (12
Holzer M.;  Pasquier B.;  DeVries T.;  Brzezinski M.
The Relationships Between Dissolved Zinc and Major Nutrients Phosphate and Silicate Along the GEOTRACES GA02 Transect in the West Atlantic Ocean [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019-01-01, 33 (1
Middag R.;  de Baar H.J.W.;  Bruland K.W.
The Fate of Carbon and Nutrients Exported Out of the Southern Ocean [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2018-01-01, 32 (10
Hauck J.;  Lenton A.;  Langlais C.;  Matear R.
Impacts of Shifts in Phytoplankton Community on Clouds and Climate via the Sulfur Cycle [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2018-01-01, 32 (6
Wang S.;  Maltrud M.E.;  Burrows S.M.;  Elliott S.M.;  Cameron-Smith P.
Nitrogen dynamics and phytoplankton community structure: the role of organic nutrients [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 134 (2018-01-02
Moschonas G.;  Gowen R.J.;  Paterson R.F.;  Mitchell E.;  Stewart B.M.;  McNeill S.;  Glibert P.M.;  Davidson K.
Surface water CO2 concentration influences phytoplankton production but not community composition across boreal lakes [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2017-01-01, 20 (11
Vogt R.J.;  St-Gelais N.F.;  Bogard M.J.;  Beisner B.E.;  del Giorgio P.A.
Microbial Community Structure and Expression of Functional Genes Involved in the Seasonal Cycling of DMSP in the Southern Ocean [项目]
Peter Countway
Community composition has greater impact on the functioning of marine phytoplankton communities than ocean acidification [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2014-01-01, 20 (3
Eggers S.L.;  Lewandowska A.M.;  Barcelos e Ramos J.;  Blanco-Ameijeiras S.;  Gallo F.;  Matthiessen B.