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The impact of volatile organic compounds on ozone formation in the suburban area of Shanghai [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 232
Zhang K.;  Li L.;  Huang L.;  Wang Y.;  Huo J.;  Duan Y.;  Wang Y.;  Fu Q.
The vertical profiles of carbonaceous aerosols and key influencing factors during wintertime over western Sichuan Basin, China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Yin D.;  Zhao S.;  Qu J.;  Yu Y.;  Kang S.;  Ren X.;  Zhang J.;  Zou Y.;  Dong L.;  Li J.;  He J.;  Li P.;  Qin D.
Aeolian transport and deposition of carbonaceous aerosols over the Northwest Pacific Ocean in spring [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Wu Z.;  Hu L.;  Guo T.;  Lin T.;  Guo Z.
An analysis of real-world exhaust emission control deterioration in the California light-duty gasoline vehicle fleet [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 220
Zhan T.;  Ruehl C.R.;  Bishop G.A.;  Hosseini S.;  Collins J.F.;  Yoon S.;  Herner J.D.
The impact of volatile organic compounds on ozone formation in the suburban area of Shanghai [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 232
Zhang K.;  Li L.;  Huang L.;  Wang Y.;  Huo J.;  Duan Y.;  Wang Y.;  Fu Q.
The vertical profiles of carbonaceous aerosols and key influencing factors during wintertime over western Sichuan Basin, China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Yin D.;  Zhao S.;  Qu J.;  Yu Y.;  Kang S.;  Ren X.;  Zhang J.;  Zou Y.;  Dong L.;  Li J.;  He J.;  Li P.;  Qin D.
Aeolian transport and deposition of carbonaceous aerosols over the Northwest Pacific Ocean in spring [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Wu Z.;  Hu L.;  Guo T.;  Lin T.;  Guo Z.
An analysis of real-world exhaust emission control deterioration in the California light-duty gasoline vehicle fleet [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 220
Zhan T.;  Ruehl C.R.;  Bishop G.A.;  Hosseini S.;  Collins J.F.;  Yoon S.;  Herner J.D.
基于土地利用变化的四川省碳排放与碳足迹效应及时空格局 [期刊论文]
生态学报, 2016-01-01, 36 (22) : 2460-2470
彭文甫;  周介铭;  徐新良;  罗怀良;  赵景峰;  杨存建
基于碳收支核算的郑州市碳排放压力分析及预测 [期刊论文]
水土保持研究, 2016-01-01, 23 (2) : 257-261
侯丽朋;  赵荣钦;  刘英;  刘秉涛;  丁明磊;  张战平