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Institutional mechanisms to keep unburnable fossil fuel reserves in the soil [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Pellegrini L.;  Arsel M.;  Orta-Martínez M.;  Mena C.F.;  Muñoa G.
“Mind the (Policy-Implementation) Gap”: Transport decarbonisation policies and performances of leading global economies (1990–2018) [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change, 2021-01-01, 68
Tsoi K.H.;  Loo B.P.Y.;  Banister D.
Mapping co-benefits for carbon storage and biodiversity to inform conservation policy and action [期刊论文]
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020-01-01, 375 (1794
Soto-Navarro C.;  Ravilious C.;  Arnell A.;  De Lamo X.;  Harfoot M.;  Hill S.L.L.;  Wearn O.R.;  Santoro M.;  Bouvet A.;  Mermoz S.;  Le Toan T.;  Xia J.;  Liu S.;  Yuan W.;  Spawn S.A.;  Gibbs H.K.;  Ferrier S.;  Harwood T.;  Alkemade R.;  Schipper A.M.;  Schmidt-Traub G.;  Strassburg B.;  Miles L.;  Burgess N.D.;  Kapos V.
Evaluation of WRF-CMAQ simulated climatological mean and extremes of fine particulate matter of the United States and its correlation with climate extremes [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Li X.;  Seth A.;  Zhang C.;  Feng R.;  Long X.;  Li W.;  Liu K.
Evaluation of WRF-CMAQ simulated climatological mean and extremes of fine particulate matter of the United States and its correlation with climate extremes [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Li X.;  Seth A.;  Zhang C.;  Feng R.;  Long X.;  Li W.;  Liu K.
Meeting goals of sustainability policy: CO2 emission reduction, cost-effectiveness and societal acceptance. An analysis of the proposal to phase-out coal in the Netherlands [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 138
Akerboom S.;  Botzen W.;  Buijze A.;  Michels A.;  van Rijswick M.
A holistic view on sector coupling [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 147
Fridgen G.;  Keller R.;  Körner M.-F.;  Schöpf M.
Applying the energy cultures framework to understand energy systems in the context of rural sustainability transformation [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 137
Klaniecki K.;  Duse I.A.;  Lutz L.M.;  Leventon J.;  Abson D.J.
Will policies to promote energy efficiency help or hinder achieving a 1.5 degrees C climate target? [期刊论文]
ENERGY EFFICIENCY, 2019-01-01, 12 (2) : 551-565
Patt, Anthony;  van Vliet, Oscar;  Lilliestam, Johan;  Pfenninger, Stefan
What does Canute want? The "Monash Forum" and the Australian Climate Deadlock [期刊论文]
ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, 2019-01-01, 49) : 126-133
Hudson, Marc

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