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Integrated magnetotelluric and petrological analysis of felsic magma reservoirs: Insights from Ethiopian rift volcanoes [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 559
Samrock F.;  Grayver A.V.;  Bachmann O.;  Karakas Ö.;  Saar M.O.
Origin and physical-chemical control of topaz crystallization in felsic igneous rocks: Contrasted effect of temperature on its OH–F substitution [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2021-01-01, 213
Soufi M.
Transition of subduction-related magmatism from slab melting to dehydration at 2.5 Ga [期刊论文]
Precambrian Research, 2020-01-01, 337
Liu H.;  Sun W.-D.;  Deng J.-H.
Petrogenetic processes at the tipping point of plate tectonics: Hf-O isotope ternary modelling of Earth's last TTG to sanukitoid transition [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 551
Moreira H.;  Storey C.;  Fowler M.;  Seixas L.;  Dunlop J.
Repeated magmatic buildup and deep “hot zones” in continental evolution: The Cadomian crust of Iran [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 531
Shafaii Moghadam H.;  Li Q.L.;  Griffin W.L.;  Stern R.J.;  Ishizuka O.;  Henry H.;  Lucci F.;  O'Reilly S.Y.;  Ghorbani G.
Europium and barium enrichments in compositionally zoned felsic tuffs: A smoking gun for the origin of chemical and physical gradients by cumulate melting [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 540
Wolff J.A.;  Forni F.;  Ellis B.S.;  Szymanowski D.
The magmatic and magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of felsic igneous rocks as seen through Nb-Ta geochemical fractionation, with implications for the origins of rare-metal mineralizations [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 203
Ballouard C.;  Massuyeau M.;  Elburg M.A.;  Tappe S.;  Viljoen F.;  Brandenburg J.-T.
Rejuvenation of ancient micro-continents during accretionary orogenesis: Insights from the Yili Block and adjacent regions of the SW Central Asian Orogenic Belt [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 208
Huang H.;  Wang T.;  Tong Y.;  Qin Q.;  Ma X.;  Yin J.
Archean sedimentation on Dharwar Craton, India and its implications [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 202
Sunder Raju P.V.;  Mazumder R.
Baltica (East European Craton) and Atlantica (Amazonian and West African Cratons) in the Proterozoic: The pre-Columbia connection [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 210
Terentiev R.A.;  Santosh M.

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