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Effects of heterogeneous gouge segments on the slip behavior of experimental faults at dm scale [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 554
Buijze L.;  Guo Y.;  Niemeijer A.R.;  Ma S.;  Spiers C.J.
Seismic swarms produced by rapid fluid injection into a low permeability laboratory fault [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 557
Cebry S.B.L.;  McLaskey G.C.
Clay minerals affect calcium (magnesium) carbonate precipitation and aging [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 567
Molnár Z.;  Pekker P.;  Dódony I.;  Pósfai M.
Subslab heterogeneity and giant megathrust earthquakes [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (5
Fan J.;  Zhao D.
Frictional properties of basalt experimental faults and implications for volcano-tectonic settings and geo-energy sites [期刊论文]
Tectonophysics, 2021-01-01, 811
Giacomel P.;  Ruggieri R.;  Scuderi M.M.;  Spagnuolo E.;  Di Toro G.;  Collettini C.
Biomass combustion produces ice-active minerals in biomass-burning aerosol and bottom ash [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (36
Jahn L.G.;  Polen M.J.;  Jahl L.G.;  Brubaker T.A.;  Somers J.;  Sullivan R.C.
Ground level ice nucleating particles measurements at Capo Granitola, a Mediterranean coastal site [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 219
Rinaldi M.;  Nicosia A.;  Santachiara G.;  Piazza M.;  Paglione M.;  Gilardoni S.;  Sandrini S.;  Cristofanelli P.;  Marinoni A.;  Bonasoni P.;  Facchini M.C.;  Belosi F.
A theoretical study on the activation of insoluble particles in atmospheric conditions [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 218
Lazaridis M.
The effect of ice nuclei on a deep convective cloud in South China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2018-01-01, 206
Deng X.;  Xue H.;  Meng Z.
Potential Impacts of Sahara Dust Aerosol on Rainfall Vertical Structure Over the Atlantic Ocean as Identified From EOF Analysis [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (16
Dong X.;  Li R.;  Wang Y.;  Fu Y.;  Zhao C.

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