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Annoyance of residents induced by wind turbine obstruction lights: A cross-country comparison of impact factors [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Pohl J.;  Rudolph D.;  Lyhne I.;  Clausen N.-E.;  Aaen S.B.;  Hübner G.;  Kørnøv L.;  Kirkegaard J.K.
The role of competences, engagement, and devices in configuring the impact of prices in energy demand response: Findings from three smart energy pilots with households [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 137
Christensen T.H.;  Friis F.;  Bettin S.;  Throndsen W.;  Ornetzeder M.;  Skjølsvold T.M.;  Ryghaug M.
A novel approach for analyzing the effectiveness of the R&D capital for resource conservation: Comparative study on Germany and UK electricity sectors [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 147
Khajehpour H.;  Miremadi I.;  Saboohi Y.;  Tsatsaronis G.
Comparative analysis of natural gas cogeneration incentives on electricity production in Latin America [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 142
Rivera-Alvarez A.;  Osorio J.D.;  Montoya-Duque L.;  Fontalvo J.;  Botero E.;  Escudero-Atehortua A.
REDD+, transformational change and the promise of performance-based payments: a qualitative comparative analysis [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2017-01-01, 17 (6
Brockhaus M;  , Korhonen-Kurki K;  , Sehring J;  , Di Gregorio M;  , Assembe-Mvondo S;  , Babon A;  , Bekele M;  , Gebara M;  F;  , Khatri D;  B;  , Kambire H;  , Kengoum F;  , Kweka D;  , Menton M;  , Moeliono M;  , Paudel N;  S;  , Pham T;  T;  , Resosudarmo I;  A;  P;  , Sitoe A;  , Wunder S;  , Zida M
Historical construction costs of global nuclear power reactors [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2016-01-01, Volume 91 (April 2016) : Pages 371-382
Jessica R. Lovering;  Arthur Yip;  Ted Nordhaus
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Climate policy strength compared: China, the US, the EU, India, Russia, and Japan [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2016-01-01, 16 (2
Compston H;  , Bailey I
Climate governance, justice, and transnational civil society [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2014-01-01, 14 (1
Derman B;  B
EarthCube Building Blocks: CyberConnector: Bridging the Earth Observations and Earth Science Modeling for Supporting Model Validation, Verification, and Inter-comparison [项目]
Liping Di