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Impacts of the desulfurization price subsidy policy on SO2 reduction: Evidence from China's coal-fired power plants [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 157
Ai H.;  Zhou Z.;  Li K.;  Kang Z.-Y.
Energy price reform in Saudi Arabia: Modeling the economic and environmental impacts and understanding the demand response [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Aldubyan M.;  Gasim A.
Policy support measures for widespread expansion of fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Baumgarte F.;  Kaiser M.;  Keller R.
Paid to produce absolutely nothing? A Nash-Cournot analysis of a proposed power purchase agreement [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Chaiken B.;  Duggan J.E.;  Jr.;  Sioshansi R.
Linking social-psychological factors with policy expectation: Using local voices to understand solar PV poverty alleviation in Wuhan, China [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 151
Chen C.-F.;  Li J.;  Shuai J.;  Nelson H.;  Walzem A.;  Cheng J.
Environmental effect, price subsidy and financial performance: Evidence from Chinese new energy enterprises [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Cui Y.;  Khan S.U.;  Li Z.;  Zhao M.
Temporal spillover of private housing energy retrofitting: Distribution of home energy retrofits and implications for subsidy policies [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01,
Egner L.E.;  Klöckner C.A.
Economic and environmental strategies against targeting energy subsidy in Iranian meat market: A game theory approach [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 150
Fathi F.;  Bakhshoodeh M.
Clean heating and heating poverty: A perspective based on cost-benefit analysis [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 152
Feng T.;  Du H.;  Coffman D.M.;  Qu A.;  Dong Z.
Political polarization in support for subsidizing unprofitable coal power plants [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 150
Hart P.S.;  Stedman R.C.;  Clarke C.E.

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