globalchange  > 气候减缓与适应
DOI: 10.3390/su11030647
WOS记录号: WOS:000458929500092
Insights on Urban and Periurban Adaptation Strategies Based on Stakeholders' Perceptions on Hard and Soft Responses to Climate Change
作者: Martinez-Juarez, Pablo1,2; Chiabai, Aline3; Suarez, Cristina1; Quiroga, Sonia1
通讯作者: Quiroga, Sonia
ISSN: 2071-1050
出版年: 2019
卷: 11, 期:3
语种: 英语
英文关键词: urban adaptation policy ; green infrastructure costs and benefits ; stakeholder perceptions
WOS学科分类: Green & Sustainable Science & Technology ; Environmental Sciences ; Environmental Studies
WOS研究方向: Science & Technology - Other Topics ; Environmental Sciences & Ecology

Adapting to expected impacts of climate change is a task shared by multiple institutions and individuals, but much of this work falls over local and regional authorities, which has made them experts over the issue. At the same time, adaptation to climate change has been a research interest in different academic fields; while private companies provide research and development efforts on the issue. Views from perspectives may contain common ground and discrepancies, but benefits from the discussion may differ among these three sectors. This study shows the application of collaborative approaches to analyze impacts and adaptation measures at a local level. A stakeholder workshop was held in the city of Bilbao to discuss impacts of climate change and adaptation in the local context of the Basque Country. The contributions were proposed on three axes: impacts from climate change, good practices proposed or already in action, and costs and benefits derived from those strategies. Participants were asked to rank a series of measures and practices extracted from their previous inputs. These measures were analyzed after applying bootstrapping techniques, according to the perceived costs and benefits assigned to each of the grouped measures and practices. Participants estimated that groups containing green adaptation measures and those that had potentially positive impacts over climate change mitigation were the most efficient measures, as reduced costs combined with high benefits could lead to win-win adaptation strategies, while grey infrastructures were seen as providing high benefits at high costs.

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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候减缓与适应

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作者单位: 1.Univ Alcala UAH, Dept Econ, Plaza Victoria 2, Alcala De Henares 28802, Spain
2.Univ Autonoma Madrid, Dept Econ Anal Econ Theory & Econ Hist, Calle Francisco Tomas & Valiente 5, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
3.Univ Basque Country, Basque Ctr Climate Change, BC3,Sede Bldg 1,1st Floor,Sci Campus, Leioa 48940, Spain

Recommended Citation:
Martinez-Juarez, Pablo,Chiabai, Aline,Suarez, Cristina,et al. Insights on Urban and Periurban Adaptation Strategies Based on Stakeholders' Perceptions on Hard and Soft Responses to Climate Change[J]. SUSTAINABILITY,2019-01-01,11(3)
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