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DOI: 10.1080/23743670.2019.1623057
WOS记录号: WOS:000473666400001
Disentangling the Jargon: Journalists' Access and Utilisation of Climate Change Information in Tanzania
作者: Elia, Emmanuel Frank
通讯作者: Elia, Emmanuel Frank
ISSN: 2374-3670
EISSN: 2374-3689
出版年: 2019
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Access to information sources ; climate change information ; challenges to accessing climate information ; journalists' ; information seeking ; social media usage ; Tanzania journalists
WOS学科分类: Communication
WOS研究方向: Communication

This quantitative and qualitative study investigated journalists' access to and use of climate change information in Tanzania. It used snowball and purposive sampling methods to identify journalists from the local media. In all, 75 journalists took part in the study. Key findings indicate that conferences and researchers are information sources mostly consulted by the journalists when accessing climate change information. Results reveal journalists' increased internet use and yet low (N = 27 [37.5%]) usage of social media to access climate change information. Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp were the most used social media platforms. Convenience and timely access to information sources influenced the journalists' internet usage. The study also found journalists' insufficient analytical skills, limited awareness of information sources, improper co-ordination, language, reading culture, inadequate training and insufficient information search skills as key challenges to accessing and using climate change information. Challenges to access and use signify low coverage of climate change information in Tanzania. The study concludes that journalists' specialisation, access to conferences, researchers, internet, and relevant and reliable resources can increase quantity, quality and coverage of climate change information. The study recommends regular information literacy training for journalists to promote their online search skills, reading culture and understanding of climate change.

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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: Univ Dar Es Salaam, Coll Social Sci, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Recommended Citation:
Elia, Emmanuel Frank. Disentangling the Jargon: Journalists' Access and Utilisation of Climate Change Information in Tanzania[J]. AFRICAN JOURNALISM STUDIES,2019-01-01
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