globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5870261
其他题名: Effect of land use changes on the temporal and spatial patterns of carbon emissions and carbon footprints in the Sichuan Province of Western China,from 1990 to 2010
作者: 彭文甫1; 周介铭1; 徐新良2; 罗怀良1; 赵景峰1; 杨存建1
刊名: 生态学报
ISSN: 1000-0933
出版年: 2016
卷: 36, 期:22, 页码:2460-2470
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 土地利用 ; 碳排放 ; 碳足迹 ; 能源消费 ; 碳足迹压力指数
英文关键词: land use ; carbon emissions ; carbon footprints ; energy consumption ; pressure index of carbon footprints
WOS研究方向: Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics
中文摘要: 土地利用变化的碳排放与碳足迹研究对了解人类活动对生态环境的扰动程度及其机理、制定有效的碳排放政策具有重要意义。采用19902010年四川省能源消费数据和土地利用数据,通过构建碳排放模型、碳足迹及其压力指数模型,对研究区20年来土地利用的碳排放及碳足迹进行了定量分析。结果表明:(1) 土地利用变化的碳排放和能源消费碳的足迹呈显著增加趋势。碳排放增加5407.839 * 10~4 t,增长率达143%;能源消费的碳足迹增加1566.622 * 10~4 hm~2,四川全省的生态赤字达1563.598 * 104 hm~2。(2)建设用地和林地分别为四川省最大的碳源与碳汇。20年间建设用地的碳排放增加5407.072 * 10~4 t,增长率达126.27%,占碳排放总量的88%以上;林地的碳汇减少10.351 * 10~4 t,但仍占四川省碳汇的96%以上。(3)土地利用碳排放、碳足迹和生态赤字存在明显区域差异。成都平原区碳排放、碳足迹压力最大,生态赤字严重,西部高山高原区和盆周山区碳排放、碳足迹最小,未出现生态赤字;成都、德阳、资阳和内江等地的碳排放、碳足迹压力最大,生态赤字最严重,甘孜、阿坝等地的碳排放、碳足迹最小,未出现生态赤字。(4)土地利用结构与碳排放、碳足迹存在一定的相互关系,趋高的碳源、碳汇比导致土地利用的碳源效应远大于碳汇效应。因此,四川省减排的重点应该在保持或增加现有的林地的同时,主要以降低建设用地的碳排放、碳足迹为主。
英文摘要: Land use changes significantly affect the carbon dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems,and are one of the main factors influencing climate change on a global scale. Analyzing the effects of land use on carbon emissions is important for understanding the mechanisms of carbon emissions and the success of carbon reduction and climate change mitigation efforts. In this study,we developed carbon emission,pressure index,and carbon footprint models to evaluate a carbon budget,and carried out research in the Sichuan Province of western China to estimate carbon sinks and carbon sources,based on energy consumption and land use change data from 1990 to 2010 (obtained from remote sensing technologies). The results showed that: (1) Changes in land use and energy consumption from 1990 to 2010 significantly increased carbon emissions (5407.839 * 10~4 t,or 143%),with an average annual rate of increase of 7.151% (1566.622 * 10~4 hm~2). During the same period,the carbon footprint for energy consumption increased,and the area of ecological deficit reached 1563.598 * 104 hm~2. Overall,the increase in carbon emissions was associated with a rapid increase in fossil fuel consumption as well as land use changes; (2) Land under construction (carbon source) and forests (carbon sink) were the largest carbon pools in the carbon budget. Higher carbon emissions were noted for built-up land than for other land use types. Between 1990 and 2010,there was a continuous increase in carbon sources,and a slight decrease in carbon sinks. Carbon emissions from built-up land increased by 126.27%,which was the largest percentage increase in carbon emissions; (3) There were considerable regional differences in carbon emissions and carbon footprints. The Chengdu plain,and its surroundings regions (e. g.,Chengdu,Deyang,Ziyang,and Neijiang),had higher carbon emissions,carbon footprints,and ecological deficits in 2010 than in 1990. In contrast,the west,northwest,and southwest mountainous regions and plateau areas (e. g.,the Ganzhi,Aba,and Liangshan autonomous prefectures) had lower carbon emissions in 2010 than in 1990. In general,these regions had low carbon footprints and ecological deficits because of their widespread coverage by forests and grasslands. Compared to the Chengdu plain (and its surroundings regions),these regions had relatively low fossil fuel consumption,slow urbanization rates,and limited industrial development and transportation corridors. Overall,in Sichuan,there was an increase from 1990 to 2010 in the spatial distribution and severity of carbon emissions,carbon footprints,and ecological deficits; and (4) Land use had a greater effect on carbon sources than on carbon sinks. Forests,grasslands,water areas,and unused land were the main carbon sinks,while land under construction and cultivated land were the main carbon sources. The rapid increase in carbon sources and slow decrease in carbon sinks resulted in a substantial increase in carbon emissions in Sichuan from 1990 to 2010,with the ratio of sources to sinks increasing from 4.002 in 1990 to 9.739 in 2010. In conclusion,one key focus of future carbon emission reduction efforts in Sichuan should be to maintain or increase forest areas. It would also be worthwhile to reduce carbon emissions from land under construction. Through targeted land use and land management activities,ecosystems can be managed to enhance carbon sequestration and mitigate fluxes of greenhouse gases.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.四川师范大学, 地理与资源科学学院, 西南土地资源评价与监测教育部重点实验室, 成都, 四川 610068, 中国
2.中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心, 北京 100101, 中国

Recommended Citation:
彭文甫,周介铭,徐新良,等. 基于土地利用变化的四川省碳排放与碳足迹效应及时空格局[J]. 生态学报,2016-01-01,36(22):2460-2470
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