globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5786186
全球REDD+ 筹资状况与对策研究
其他题名: REDD+ Financing Situations Research
作者: 冯琦雅1; 覃鑫浩2; 王雅菲1; 何友均1
刊名: 世界林业研究
ISSN: 1001-4241
出版年: 2016
卷: 29, 期:4, 页码:251-257
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 碳排放 ; 碳储量 ; 资金机制 ; 筹资
英文关键词: REDD+ ; financial mechanism ; financing situations
WOS研究方向: Agriculture
中文摘要: 减少毁林和森林退化降低碳排放及通过森林保护与可持续管理增加碳储量(REDD+)是应对气候变化的有效机制。完善的资金机制是顺利实施REDD+机制的关键环节,其中筹集资金又是资金机制最重要的组成部分。文中阐述当前REDD+资金机制一般模式,分析REDD+筹资情况,并且对巴西、印度尼西亚、坦桑尼亚和越南4国REDD+非市场筹资进行重点分析,在此基础上剖析了REDD+项目存在融资数量少、承诺资金难以落实、REDD+资金监管成本高等问题,提出解决REDD+资金筹措问题的相关建议,以期对完善REDD+资金来源机制起到促进作用,推动REDD+项目顺利实施。
英文摘要: REDD+ is an effective mechanism to respond to climate change. The key to make REDD+ mechanism implement smoothly is to improve the funding mechanism and raising money is the most crucial part in it. This paper expounded the current general framework of REDD+ capital mechanism,and it also explained the REDD+ present financial situations. Besides,it put more emphasis on analyzing the REDD+ non - market financing situations in some major countries,such as Brazil,Indonesia,Tanzania and Vietnam. On the basis of the analysis above,this paper came up with some problems about REDD+,such as the decrease of the number of REDD+ project financing,the difficulties in carrying out the promised fund, and high costs in fund regulation of REDD+. Finally,it put forward a few related suggestions towards the problems,which can improve the REDD+ capital source mechanism and promote the REDD+ project implement smoothly in the future.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 1.中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所, 北京 100091, 中国
2.国家林业局调查规划设计院, 北京 100714, 中国

Recommended Citation:
冯琦雅,覃鑫浩,王雅菲,等. 全球REDD+ 筹资状况与对策研究[J]. 世界林业研究,2016-01-01,29(4):251-257
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