globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5969671
其他题名: Households' willingness in participating forest management of carbon sequestration trading and the related influencing factors under the REDD+
作者: 洪明慧1; 胡晨沛1; 顾蕾2; 张雪1; 鲍捷1
刊名: 浙江农林大学学报
ISSN: 2095-0756
出版年: 2017
卷: 34, 期:2, 页码:450-457
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 森林经理学 ; 农户 ; 碳汇交易 ; 参与意愿 ; REDD+机制 ; Ordered Logit模型
英文关键词: forest management ; household ; carbon sequestration trading ; willingness of participation ; REDD+ ; Ordered Logit model
WOS研究方向: Forestry
中文摘要: 森林碳汇对于应对全球气候变化具有重要的意义。基于中国首个农户森林经营碳汇交易项目的首期实践,根据对82户已参与和未参与交易农户的调查数据,对农户参与碳汇交易项目意愿进行描述性统计分析;在此基础上,采用Ordered Logit(Ologit)模型,对农户参与碳汇交易意愿影响因素进行定量分析。结果表明:农户年龄越小、学历越高、林地面积越大、林业收入越高、对碳汇认知程度更高,其参与碳汇交易项目意愿相对较高;通过模型检验则发现农户的学历、家庭人数和劳动力比例、首期碳汇交易参与情况对农户参与或继续参与碳汇交易意愿具有显著影响。最后从碳汇知识普及、项目推广力度及碳汇交易价格等3个方面为农户碳汇交易项目更好地推行提出相关建议。
英文摘要: The forest carbon sequestration plays an important role in facing global climate change. Based on scenario simulation data of 82 rural households who have involved and non-involved in the first period of nation 's first forest management of carbon sequestration trading project in Lin'an, this paper conducts a descriptive analysis of rural households' willingness in participating management of forest carbon sequestration trading project. Furthermore, the paper uses Ordered Logit (Ologit) model and make a quantitative analysis of factors influencing rural households' willingness in participating management of forest carbon sequestration. The research shows that the willingness of participating in the project is relatively high among the households who are younger, better educated, possessing larger area of forest land, higher forestry income and higher cognitive level of carbon sequestration; while it has been tested by model that factors such as education of rural households, family size, labor force of family and whether have been involved in the first period of forest carbon sequestration trading project,have significant impacts on the households' willingness to participate or continually participate in forest carbon sequestration trading project. Finally,based on the results of analysis, the paper put forward references from project promotion,propaganda of low carbon and the price of carbon sink to carry out the project of forest carbon sequestration trading reasonably.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化事实与影响

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作者单位: 1.浙江农林大学经济管理学院, 临安, 浙江 311300, 中国
2.浙江农林大学经济管理学院, 浙江省森林生态系统碳循环与固碳减排重点实验室, 临安, 浙江 311300, 中国

Recommended Citation:
洪明慧,胡晨沛,顾蕾,等. REDD+机制下农户参与森林经营碳汇交易意愿及其影响因素[J]. 浙江农林大学学报,2017-01-01,34(2):450-457
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