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The Role of BRICS in the Developing World
作者: Doris Knoblauch
出版者: Ecologic Institute, Germany
出版年: 2012
发表日期: 2012
总页数: 46
国家: 德国
语种: 英语
英文关键词: developing countries ; development policy ; south-south cooperation ; European Parliament ; ODA ; SSC ; BRICS ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; South Africa ; India ; China ; Brazil ; Russia
英文摘要: With this study, researchers from Südwind Institute (project lead) and Ecologic Institute inform the European Parliament about how the five emerging economies known collectively as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are emerging as development assistance donors and potential partners in the developing world. The authors discuss how South-South cooperation is becoming more significant and what challenges it poses to the EU's ODA agenda. Finally, the study provides a series of recommendations for European policy makers.The authors provide an overview of how development aid has evolved over the past decade, how financing from the BRICS impacts development cooperation, and how development policies differ among the BRICS. The authors also discuss how these changes pose new challenges to the EU's ODA agenda. Finally, the study provides a series of recommendations for European policy makers. The authors' main conclusion is that eye-to-eye dialogue and trilateral cooperation are the best means of addressing BRICS as new stakeholders in 21st century development politics.The study [pdf, 1.19 kB, English] is available for download.
资助项目: The Role of BRICS in the Developing World#2610-24#European Parliament, Committee on Development (EP DEVE)
资源类型: 研究报告
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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Doris Knoblauch. The Role of BRICS in the Developing World. 2012-01-01.
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