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项目编号: 1734171
Coordination and Student Travel for the 2017 National Radio Frequency (RF) Ionospheric Effects Workshop; Denver, Colorado; May 14-17, 2017
作者: William Bristow
承担单位: University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-05-01
结束日期: 2018-04-30
资助金额: 15660
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
英文关键词: denver ; early may ; travel expense
英文摘要: This is an award to help support travel expenses for ten students to attend the Ionospheric Modification meeting that is scheduled to be held at the University of Colorado at Denver in early May, 2017.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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William Bristow. Coordination and Student Travel for the 2017 National Radio Frequency (RF) Ionospheric Effects Workshop; Denver, Colorado; May 14-17, 2017. 2017-01-01.
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