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项目编号: 1446219
APS DFD Participant Travel Support - 67th Annual DFD Meeting 2014 in San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
作者: Ken Cole
承担单位: American Physical Society
批准年: 2013
开始日期: 2014-09-01
结束日期: 2015-08-31
资助金额: USD25000
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: 67th annual dfd ; travel award ; aps dfd executive committee ; travel grant program ; american institute ; nsf support ; travel budget ; travel expense ; american physical society ; travel subsidy ; san francisco ; participant travel fund ; student participant
英文摘要: The proposal seeks funds to partially cover travel expenses of invited speakers and student participants and organizing expenses related to the conference entitled, "American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 67th Annual DFD Meeting 2014" in San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014. This is the largest international annual meeting of fluid dynamicists in the world, with 2,500 anticipated attendees. The meeting has been successfully run for over sixty five years.

The priorities of the travel grant program are to partially fund students, young scientists, and, in general, scientists from under-represented groups. The APS DFD Executive Committee plans to contribute $20,000 and the American Institute for Physics plans to contribute $10,000 to the overall budget for travel awards. This total amount expected is $55,000 to facilitate travel subsidies and registration fee coverage for about 65 participants. The chief intellectual merit of this conference lies in the exchange of scientific ideas, presentations of cutting edge research, and exposure to a richly diverse array of topics in virtually every sub-discipline of fluid dynamics. The broader impact will be to increase participation of students and young scientists who would not otherwise be able to afford to travel to the meeting and pay associated costs. Preference is given: (i) to those presenting talks at the meeting, (ii) to students, (iii) to those who have not received such an award in the past, and (iv) to no more than one applicant from a given research adviser. Since the awards are meant to supplement participant travel funds, not to cover these entirely, the committee takes into account the travel budget entered on the application. Special effort is made to achieve diverse participation from underrepresented groups in engineering, including women and members of minority groups. Even though the conference is attended by worldwide attendees, the NSF support will fund individuals from the US.
资源类型: 项目
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Ken Cole. APS DFD Participant Travel Support - 67th Annual DFD Meeting 2014 in San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014. 2013-01-01.
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