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Kinking facilitates grain nucleation and modifies crystallographic preferred orientations during high-stress ice deformation [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 572
Fan S.;  Prior D.J.;  Hager T.F.;  Cross A.J.;  Goldsby D.L.;  Negrini M.
Body size and digestive system shape resource selection by ungulates: A cross-taxa test of the forage maturation hypothesis [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2021-01-01,
Esmaeili S.;  Jesmer B.R.;  Albeke S.E.;  Aikens E.O.;  Schoenecker K.A.;  King S.R.B.;  Abrahms B.;  Buuveibaatar B.;  Beck J.L.;  Boone R.B.;  Cagnacci F.;  Chamaillé-Jammes S.;  Chimeddorj B.;  Cross P.C.;  Dejid N.;  Enkhbyar J.;  Fischhoff I.R.;  Ford A.T.;  Jenks K.;  Hemami M.-R.;  Hennig J.D.;  Ito T.Y.;  Kaczensky P.;  Kauffman M.J.;  Linnell J.D.C.;  Lkhagvasuren B.;  McEvoy J.F.;  Melzheimer J.;  Merkle J.A.;  Mueller T.;  Muntifering J.;  Mysterud A.;  Olson K.A.;  Panzacchi M.;  Payne J.C.;  Pedrotti L.;  Rauset G.R.;  Rubenstein D.I.;  Sawyer H.;  Scasta J.D.;  Signer J.;  Songer M.;  Stabach J.A.;  Stapleton S.;  Strand O.;  Sundaresan S.R.;  Usukhjargal D.;  Uuganbayar G.;  Fryxell J.M.;  Goheen J.R.
Cleavage-furrow formation without F-actin in Chlamydomonas [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (31
Onishi M.;  Umen J.G.;  Cross F.R.;  Pringle J.R.
The seasonal evolution of albedo across glaciers and the surrounding landscape of Taylor Valley, Antarctica [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (3
Bergstrom A.;  Gooseff M.N.;  Myers M.;  Doran P.T.;  Cross J.M.
Temperature and strain controls on ice deformation mechanisms: Insights from the microstructures of samples deformed to progressively higher strains at −10, −20 and −30 ◦C [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (11
Fan S.;  Hager T.F.;  Prior D.J.;  Cross A.J.;  Goldsby D.L.;  Qi C.;  Negrini M.;  Wheeler J.
The terrestrial organism and biogeochemistry spatial sampling design for the National Ecological Observatory Network [期刊论文]
ECOSPHERE, 2019-01-01, 10 (2
Barnett, David T.;  Duffy, Paul A.;  Schimel, David S.;  Krauss, Rachel E.;  Irvine, Kathryn M.;  Davis, Frank W.;  Gross, John E.;  Azuaje, Elena, I;  Thorpe, Andrea S.;  Gudex-Cross, David;  Patterson, Michael;  McKay, Jalynda M.;  McCorkel, Joel T.;  Meier, Courtney L.
Precipitation and temperature drive continental-scale patterns in stream invertebrate production [期刊论文]
SCIENCE ADVANCES, 2019-01-01, 5 (4
Patrick, C. J.;  McGarvey, D. J.;  Larson, J. H.;  Cross, W. F.;  Allen, D. C.;  Benke, A. C.;  Brey, T.;  Huryn, A. D.;  Jones, J.;  Murphy, C. A.;  Ruffing, C.;  Saffarinia, P.;  Whiles, M. R.;  Wallace, J. B.;  Woodward, G.
Assessing resilience to underpin implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality: A case study in the rangelands of western New South Wales, Australia [期刊论文]
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, 2019-01-01, 100) : 37-46
Cowie, A. L.;  Waters, C. M.;  Garland, F.;  Orgill, S. E.;  Baumberd, A.;  Cross, R.;  O';  Connell, D.;  Metternicht, G.
Estimating the risk of elk-to-livestock brucellosis transmission in Montana [研究报告]
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. 2018-01-01
Rayl, Nathaniel D.;  Proffitt, Kelly M.;  Almberg, Emily S.;  Jones, Jennifer D.;  Merkle, Jerod A.;  Gude, Justin A.;  Cross, Paul C.
Climatic and geographic predictors of life history variation in Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): A range-wide synthesis [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2017-01-01, 12 (2
Eric T. Hileman;  Richard B. King;  John M. Adamski;  Thomas G. Anton;  Robyn L. Bailey;  Sarah J. Baker;  Nickolas D. Bieser;  Thomas A. Bell Jr;  Kristin M. Bissell;  Danielle R. Bradke;  Henry Campa III;  Gary S. Casper;  Karen Cedar;  Matthew D. Cross;  Brett A. DeGregorio;  Michael J. Dreslik;  Lisa J. Faust;  Daniel S. Harvey;  Robert W. Hay;  Benjamin C. Jellen;  Brent D. Johnson;  Glenn Johnson;  Brooke D. Kiel;  Bruce A. Kingsbury;  Matthew J. Kowalski;  Yu Man Lee;  Andrew M. Lentini;  John C. Marshall;  David Mauger;  Jennifer A. Moore;  Rori A. Paloski;  Christopher A. Phillips;  Paul D. Pratt;  Thomas Preney;  Kent A. Prior;  Andrew Promaine;  Michael Redmer;  Howard K. Reinert;  Jeremy D. Rouse;  Kevin T. Shoemaker;  Scott Sutton;  Terry J. VanDeWalle;  Patrick J. Weatherhead;  Doug Wynn;  Anne Yagi
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