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Whole soil acidification and base cation reduction across subtropical China [期刊论文]
Geoderma, 2020-01-01, 361
Yu Z.;  Chen H.Y.H.;  Searle E.B.;  Sardans J.;  Ciais P.;  Peñuelas J.;  Huang Z.
Litter quality, land-use history, and nitrogen deposition effects on topsoil conditions across European temperate deciduous forests [期刊论文]
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2019-01-01, 433) : 405-418
Maes, Sybryn L.;  Blondeel, Haben;  Perring, Michael P.;  Depauw, Leen;  Brumelis, Guntis;  Brunet, Jorg;  Decocq, Guillaume;  den Ouden, Jan;  Haerdtle, Werner;  Hedl, Radim;  Heinken, Thilo;  Heinrichs, Steffi;  Jaroszewicz, Bogdan;  Kirby, Keith;  Kopecky, Martin;  Malis, Frantisek;  Wulf, Monika;  Verheyen, Kris
Effects of Bark Beetle Disturbance on Soil Nutrient Retention and Lake Chemistry in Glacial Catchment [期刊论文]
ECOSYSTEMS, 2019-01-01, 22 (4) : 725-741
Oulehle, Filip;  Wright, Richard F.;  Svoboda, Miroslav;  Bace, Radek;  Matejka, Karel;  Kana, Jiri;  Hruska, Jakub;  Couture, Raoul-Marie;  Kopacek, Jiri
Bulk deposition of base cationic nutrients in China's forests: Annual rates and spatial characteristics [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2018-01-01, 184
Du E;  , de Vries W;  , McNulty S;  , Fenn M;  E
Skid trail use influences soil carbon flux and nutrient pools in a temperate hardwood forest [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017-01-01, 402
Shabaga J.A.;  Basiliko N.;  Caspersen J.P.;  Jones T.A.
Precipitation-mediated responses of soil acid buffering capacity to long-term nitrogen addition in a semi-arid grassland [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 170
Cai J;  , Luo W;  , Liu H;  , Feng X;  , Zhang Y;  , Wang R;  , Xu Z;  , Zhang Y;  , Jiang Y
Deposition pattern and throughfall fluxes in secondary cool temperate forest, South Korea [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 161
Kumar Gautam M;  , Lee K;  -S;  , Song B;  -Y
Effects of aphid infestation on the biogeochemistry of the water routed through European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) saplings [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2016-01-01, 129 (2018-01-02
Michalzik B.;  Levia D.F.;  Bischoff S.;  Näthe K.;  Richter S.
Estimating weathering rates using base cation budgets in a Norway spruce stand on podzolised soil: Analysis of fluxes and uncertainties [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2015-01-01, 340
Simonsson M.;  Bergholm J.;  Olsson B.A.;  Brömssen C.V.;  Öborn I.