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Environmental Crime and Contemporary Criminology: Making a Difference [期刊论文]
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 2019-01-01, 44 (4) : 656-669
Nobles, Matt R.
Environmental Crime and the EU: Synthesis----Synthesis of the Research Project "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE) [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
Christiane Gerstetter;  PhD Christoph H. Stefes;  Dr. Stephan Sina;  Katharina Klaas;  Lucy Olivia Smith
Environmental Crime and Collaborative State Intervention [专著]
:Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016-01-01
Pink Grant;  White Rob
European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime (EFFACE): Conclusions and Recommendations----on fighting environmental crime more effectively [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
Christiane Gerstetter;  Dr. Stephan Sina;  PhD Christoph H. Stefes
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Analysis of Wildlife Crime in Five Member States----In-depth analysis [研究报告]
10.2861/250878Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
Katharina Klaas;  Dr. Stephan Sina;  Christiane Gerstetter
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The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme: Should we throw the flagship out with the bathwater? [期刊论文]
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2015-01-01, 6 (1
Branger F;  , Lecuyer O;  , Quirion P
The ILVA Industrial Site in Taranto----Analysis for the ENVI Committee [研究报告]
10.2861/016768Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2015-01-01
Christiane Gerstetter
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Evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities Associated with EU Efforts to Combat Environmental Crime----Evaluation of the role of the EU and SWOT analysis [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2015-01-01
Christiane Gerstetter;  Dr. Stephan Sina;  Katharina Klaas;  PhD Christoph H. Stefes
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Understanding the Damages of Environmental Crime----Review of the availability of data [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2014-01-01
Lucas Porsch
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