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The comparative impact of solar policies on entrepreneurship in the U.S. solar photovoltaic installation industry [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 156
Gao X.
Who supports which low-carbon transport policies? Characterizing heterogeneity among Canadian citizens [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 155
Long Z.;  Kitt S.;  Axsen J.
Demand response: For congestion management or for grid balancing? [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Stawska A.;  Romero N.;  de Weerdt M.;  Verzijlbergh R.
The Potential Impact of the U.S. Carbon Capture and Storage Tax Credit Expansion on the Economic Feasibility of Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Tarufelli B.;  Snyder B.;  Dismukes D.
The influences of incentive policy perceptions and consumer social attributes on battery electric vehicle purchase intentions [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 151
Wang X.-W.;  Cao Y.-M.;  Zhang N.
A review of evolutionary policy incentives for sustainable development of electric vehicles in China: Strategic implications [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Wu Y.A.;  Ng A.W.;  Yu Z.;  Huang J.;  Meng K.;  Dong Z.Y.
Enough? The role of sufficiency in European energy and climate plans [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 157
Zell-Ziegler C.;  Thema J.;  Best B.;  Wiese F.;  Lage J.;  Schmidt A.;  Toulouse E.;  Stagl S.
Motivating non-ratepaying households with feedback and social nudges: A cautionary tale [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 145
Crago C.L.;  Spraggon J.M.;  Hunter E.
Sustainable biomass supply chain network design with biomass switching incentives for first-generation bioethanol producers [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 138
Haji Esmaeili S.A.;  Szmerekovsky J.;  Sobhani A.;  Dybing A.;  Peterson T.O.
A mixed analysis of perceptions of electric and hybrid vehicles [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 136
Higueras-Castillo E.;  Kalinic Z.;  Marinkovic V.;  Liébana-Cabanillas F.J.

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