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Addressing challenges and opportunities of the European seafood sector under a circular economy framework [期刊论文]
Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, 2020-01-01, 13
Ruiz-Salmón I.;  Margallo M.;  Laso J.;  Villanueva-Rey P.;  Mariño D.;  Quinteiro P.;  Dias A.C.;  Nunes M.L.;  Marques A.;  Feijoo G.;  Moreira M.T.;  Loubet P.;  Sonnemann G.;  Morse A.;  Cooney R.;  Clifford E.;  Rowan N.;  Méndez-Paz D.;  Iglesias-Parga X.;  Anglada C.;  Martin J.-C.;  Irabien Á.;  Aldaco R.
Surface modifications at the oxide/water interface: Implications for Cu binding, solution chemistry and chemical stability of iron oxide nanoparticles [期刊论文]
Environmental Pollution, 2020-01-01, 257
Demangeat E.;  Pédrot M.;  Dia A.;  Bouhnik-Le-Coz M.;  Davranche M.;  Cabello-Hurtado F.
Hydrological niche segregation defines forest structure and drought tolerance strategies in a seasonal Amazon forest [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 107 (1) : 318-333
Brum, Mauro;  Vadeboncoeur, Matthew A.;  Ivanov, Valeriy;  Asbjornsen, Heidi;  Saleska, Scott;  Alves, Luciana F.;  Penha, Deliane;  Dias, Jadson D.;  Aragao, Luiz E. O. C.;  Barros, Fernanda;  Bittencourt, Paulo;  Pereira, Luciano;  Oliveira, Rafael S.
CO2 fertilization does not affect biomass production and nutritive value of a C-4 tropical grass in short timeframe [期刊论文]
Abdalla Filho, Adibe Luiz;  Tavares Lima, Paulo de Mello;  Sakita, Gabriel Zanuto;  Dias e Silva, Tairon Pannunzio;  da Costa, Wilian dos Santos;  Ghini, Raquel;  Abdalla, Adibe Luiz;  Piccolo, Marisa de Cassia
Changes in mouse gut bacterial community in response to different types of drinking water [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2018-01-01, 132
Dias M.F.;  Reis M.P.;  Acurcio L.B.;  Carmo A.O.;  Diamantino C.F.;  Motta A.M.;  Kalapothakis E.;  Nicoli J.R.;  Nascimento A.M.A.
The application of bacteriophages as novel indicators of viral pathogens in wastewater treatment systems [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2018-01-01, 129
Dias E.;  Ebdon J.;  Taylor H.
Successional patterns of key genes and processes involved in the microbial nitrogen cycle in a salt marsh chronosequence [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 132 (2018-01-02
Salles J.F.;  Pereira e Silva M.C.;  Dini-Andreote F.;  Dias A.C.F.;  Guillaumaud N.;  Poly F.;  van Elsas J.D.
Magmatic evolution in the N-Gondwana margin related to the opening of the Rheic Ocean—evidence from the Upper Parautochthon of the Galicia-Trás-os-Montes Zone and from the Central Iberian Zone (NW Iberian Massif) [期刊论文]
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2016-01-01, 105 (4
Dias da Silva Í.;  Díez Fernández R.;  Díez-Montes A.;  González Clavijo E.;  Foster D.A.
The Effect of Double – Blind Carbohydrate Ingestion during 60 km of Self-Paced Exercise in Warm Ambient Conditions [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (8
Camila Nassif;  Aline Regina Gomes;  Gustavo H. C. Peixoto;  Mauro Heleno Chagas;  Danusa Dias Soares;  Emerson Silami-Garcia;  Eric J. Drinkwater;  Jack Cannon;  Frank E. Marino
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