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Climate drives community-wide divergence within species over a limited spatial scale: evidence from an oceanic island [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (2
Salces-Castellano A.;  Patiño J.;  Alvarez N.;  Andújar C.;  Arribas P.;  Braojos-Ruiz J.J.;  del Arco-Aguilar M.;  García-Olivares V.;  Karger D.N.;  López H.;  Manolopoulou I.;  Oromí P.;  Pérez-Delgado A.J.;  Peterman W.E.;  Rijsdijk K.F.;  Emerson B.C.
Catalyzing Transformations to Sustainability in the World's Mountains [期刊论文]
EARTHS FUTURE, 2019-01-01, 7 (5) : 547-557
Klein, J. A.;  Tucker, C. M.;  Nolin, A. W.;  Hopping, K. A.;  Reid, R. S.;  Steger, C.;  Gret-Regamey, A.;  Lavorel, S.;  Mueller, B.;  Yeh, E. T.;  Boone, R. B.;  Bourgeron, P.;  Butsic, V.;  Castellanos, E.;  Chen, X.;  Dong, S. K.;  Greenwood, G.;  Keiler, M.;  Marchant, R.;  Seidl, R.;  Spies, T.;  Thorn, J.;  Yager, K.;  Abbott, M.;  Bowser, G.;  Carpenter, C.;  Cumming, G. S.;  Evangelista, P.;  Fernandez-Gimenez, M. E.;  Flint, C. G.;  Forbes, B. C.;  Gerkey, D.;  Ghate, R.;  Ghorbani, M.;  Haider, L. J.;  Karna, B.;  Leisz, S. J.;  Martin-Lopez, B.;  Nakileza, B. R.;  Price, M. F.;  Savchuk, D.;  Hribar, M. Smid;  Sproles, E.;  Suryawanshi, K. R.;  Taber, A.;  Tappeiner, U.;  Tevzadze, G.;  Ueno, K.
The Tropical Atlantic Observing System [期刊论文]
Foltz, G. R.;  Brandt, P.;  Richter, I;  Rodriguez-Fonsecao, B.;  Hernandez, F.;  Dengler, M.;  Rodrigues, R. R.;  Schmidt, J. O.;  Yu, L.;  Lefevre, N.;  Da Cunha, L. Cotrim;  Mcphaden, M. J.;  Araujo, M.;  Karstensen, J.;  Hahn, J.;  Martin-Rey, M.;  Patricola, C. M.;  Poli, P.;  Zuidema, P.;  Hummels, R.;  Perez, R. C.;  Hatje, V;  Luebbecke, J. F.;  Palo, I;  Lumpkin, R.;  Bourles, B.;  Asuquo, F. E.;  Lehodey, P.;  Conchon, A.;  Chang, P.;  Dandin, P.;  Schmid, C.;  Sutton, A.;  Giordani, H.;  Xue, Y.;  Illig, S.;  Losada, T.;  Grodsky, S. A.;  Gasparinss, F.;  Lees, T.;  Mohino, E.;  Nobre, P.;  Wanninkhof, R.;  Keenlyside, N.;  Garcon, V;  Sanchez-Gomez, E.;  Nnamchi, H. C.;  Drevillon, M.;  Storto, A.;  Remy, E.;  Lazar, A.;  Speich, S.;  Goes, M.;  Dorrington, T.;  Johns, W. E.;  Moum, J. N.;  Robinson, C.;  Perruches, C.;  de Souza, R. B.;  Gaye, A. T.;  Lopez-Paragess, J.;  Monerie, P-A;  Castellanos, P.;  Benson, N. U.;  Hounkonnou, M. N.;  Trotte Duha, J.;  Laxenairess, R.;  Reul, N.
Untargeted approach for the evaluation of anthropic impact on the sheltered marine area of Portofino (Italy) [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018-01-01, 131
Di Carro M.;  Magi E.;  Massa F.;  Castellano M.;  Mirasole C.;  Tanwar S.;  Olivari E.;  Povero P.
The impacts of the Indonesian Throughflow on the inter-basin seesaw mechanism, in idealized experiments [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2018-01-01, 38
Santis W.;  Aímola L.;  Castellanos P.;  Campos E.J.D.
Range shifts or extinction? Ancient DNA and distribution modelling reveal past and future responses to climate warming in cold-adapted birds [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (4
Lagerholm V.K.;  Sandoval-Castellanos E.;  Vaniscotte A.;  Potapova O.R.;  Tomek T.;  Bochenski Z.M.;  Shepherd P.;  Barton N.;  Van Dyck M.-C.;  Miller R.;  Höglund J.;  Yoccoz N.G.;  Dalén L.;  Stewart J.R.
Impacts of Agulhas leakage on the tropical Atlantic western boundary systems [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2017-01-01, 30 (17
Castellanos P.;  Campos E.J.D.;  Piera J.;  Sato O.T.;  Silva Dias M.A.F.
Regional modeling of climate change impacts on smallholder agriculture and ecosystems in Central America [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2017-01-01, 141 (1
Hannah L.;  Donatti C.I.;  Harvey C.A.;  Alfaro E.;  Rodriguez D.A.;  Bouroncle C.;  Castellanos E.;  Diaz F.;  Fung E.;  Hidalgo H.G.;  Imbach P.;  Läderach P.;  Landrum J.P.;  Solano A.L.
Magmatic pulse driven by sea-level changes associated with the Messinian salinity crisis [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2017-01-01, 10 (10
Sternai P.;  Caricchi L.;  Garcia-Castellanos D.;  Jolivet L.;  Sheldrake T.E.;  Castelltort S.
Evaluation of the boundary condition influence on PAH concentrations in the water column during the sediment dredging of a port [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015-01-01, 101 (2
Cutroneo L.;  Castellano M.;  Carbone C.;  Consani S.;  Gaino F.;  Tucci S.;  Magrì S.;  Povero P.;  Bertolotto R.M.;  Canepa G.;  Capello M.

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